• Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Ok Concern Troll.

    Edit: wait a minute. On your profile, you have “Once you’ve been to Gaza, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Benjamin Netanyahu to death with your bare hands.”

    Ok, fuck right off. What Netanyahu is doing in Gaza is the same shit the Nazis did to the Jews and other “undesirables”. You don’t get to act like we can debate the Nazis away while calling for violence against people you personalty don’t like.

    • ???@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Not choosint violence = concern troll? Come on, I just disagree with you.

      I don’t support violent solutions when I don’t deem them absolutely necessary — I don’t think that punching Nazis will inch the Nazis any closer on their path back to sanity. Using violence causes trauma. Traumatized people are at risk to create more violence which results in more traumatized people. What I am advocating for is breaking the cycle and choosing therapy and connection rather than war and violence. If a Nazi walks armed into your home, fuck them up no problem. But punching a Nazi while they are being interviewed on TV? Punching a Nazi for having a swastika tattoo? Fuck no, that’s the spot where you will create trauma just so you can feel like you’re the big guy here and could defend yourself from the “evil Nazi”. It’s incredibly black-and-white to use this as a blanket license for violence. You then inch closer to the ideals of Nazis, you become the monsters you want to fight.

      The quote I have is a play on the Kissinger one. Netanyahu is a war criminal and it makes me what to punch him to death but I won’t because I can control my fucking emotions and can never predict the violent spiral coming in the future if I choose to kill a person.