If you say I hate the automotive designers who can’t design properly angled headlights, I’m criminalizing your shit take too

  • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    squidward-scream-point Gas-powered leaf blowers should be banned, or at least heavily regulated

    Oh and personal ownership for pickup trucks should require proof of need. Otherwise, have a communal pool that people can borrow from on the off chance they are actually hauling something

    • drkt@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 month ago

      In most places they are, but cops don’t give 2 shits about enforcing it to the point that nobody knows there are dB limits to vehicles

      • chungusamonugs [he/him]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        I had a shitbox with a piece of pipe I welded on after the exhaust fell off once (it was fully legal and passed state inspection). I got pulled for driving the speed limit and the cop told me I was breaking noise ordinance. I ask which ordinance and all they did was fume at me that they can’t “name it off the top of their head”. I’m sure the cop never pulled over someone in a giant diesel truck or a 100k sports car for making noise.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Lawns should be banned except in situations where there is genuine a recreational purpose for the public (sports fields, dog parks etc.)

    Schools should have a public health focus for each term and students should be exposed to the importance of a particular public health issue, the consequences of failing to address that issue, the victims of the issue, and ways to manage or mitigate the issue. I’m talking seatbelts, polio, diabetes, you name it. Get a person who has a traumatic brain injury who is employed as a public speaker to meet with students and talk about what happened to them when they didn’t wear a seatbelt and the ways that it affects their life to this day, show documentaries about victims of polio, that sort of thing.

    Chopsticks are the most versatile implement in the cutlery world.

    Most ingredients in domestic cleaning products should be banned or at the least restricted because we don’t need the widespread use of things like bacteriostatic agents and we don’t need to be exposing children and waterways to that kind of shit.

    Most advertising campaigns that are against addiction are actually an op and they serve to encourage people to engage in those behaviours and to relapse.

    There should be a hotline that the government operates which records a question or concern that you have and then communicates this to a qualified expert in the relevant field who then contacts you to provide you with a response based on the best, most up-to-date science. The responses should be collated into a sort of FAQ/encyclopaedia with written responses and short video lectures so that the most commonly asked questions can be addressed immediately and so that this can help guide the development of educational curricula.

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    The angle thing is bullshit. Yes, it makes the problem worse, and it should be dealt with, but no matter how well you angle things it won’t help when someone crests a hill and blinds me

    I see your hot take and I’ll raise you one though: We should mandate a return to sealed beam headlights. You get no choice. There are 2 designs of headlight and the car manufacturer gets to figure out where they want to fit one of those two designs on their car.

    Reject modernity, return to tradition

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      Sealed beam was great because you could easily replace every bulb on your car. The modern design where you sometimes need to totally remove the housing just causes issues where it’s too expensive or difficult to replace headlights.

      You could even split the difference and have LED sealed beams that can be traded in and refurbished for a discount on new headlights.

      • You could even split the difference and have LED sealed beams that can be traded in and refurbished for a discount on new headlights.

        100%! The problem with LED headlights isn’t actually the LEDs, it’s the brightness, color temp and layout, all of which are totally fixable in the proper housing.

        And oh my god replacing headlights in modern cars can be such a pain in the ass. I had to replace the lights in my ex’s Prius a few years ago and it’s a nightmare. One of them is easy, the other is in an annoying corner behind other wires so you have to bend your hand in an unnatural way to get it in. The best method would be a 6 year old with unnaturally high grip strength.

    • Jessica@discuss.tchncs.de
      1 month ago

      It’s not even just the headlights anymore. I just had an SUV behind me last night in a turning lane, and their orange LED turn signal was so fucking bright it was lighting up the street lights high up in the air every time it blinked

  • The_sleepy_woke_dialectic [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    You can’t say your salsa is “hot” if the hottest pepper involved is a jalapeño.

    If I see a keurig in your house I’m going to think there’s something wrong with you.

    You should learn to put up with a level of obnoxious behavior from children, even in public. Yes even if you don’t have kids yourself. They’re going to be paying for your social security when you’re old.

    • LigOleTiberal [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      and also: they are children. their brains are mashed potatoes that haven’t fully ripened yet. if you can’t deal with it, YOU are the immature one.

  • Not sure if this is the most radical, but light pollution has to go or lessen. In urban areas nobody can even see the stars anymore. In my country it is impossible to see the milky way, it was still visible about ten years ago in remote areas.

    It also affects trees and plants, stresses out wildlife and just in general is bad. Also pointless energy consumption.

    Also ban big ad screens that blink or exist in cities or roadsides.

    This is definitely political, but I struggle to think of anything that isn’t.

    • Torenico [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      I will also add the idea of “cities that never sleep” where all lights are still on even if people are literally sleeping. It’s an horrible concept and should be immediately abolished once we overthrow capital. No, I don’t need a lights spectacle every fucking night, once or twice every month is okay but let the city have some darkness ffs. Avoiding visual contamination is important for the well being of people.

      • Chronicon [they/them]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        Yeah 100% Most places I’ve lived have had always-on lights outside the windows to varying degrees and it fucks with my sleep big time. I have to find a balance though, because not having any natural light to wake up to fucks with me too.

        Some minimal, warm tone street lighting may be for the best in dense areas, but it doesn’t need to be bright, it needs to never shine directly into dwellings or up into the sky, and there needs to be strict regulation on other sources of lighting (I don’t want to be kept awake by the illuminated signs for say, a restaurant that isn’t even open, a gas station that covered itself in LEDs, a blindingly bright LED billboard, etc.)

        Similar to noise pollution, it’s actually a major public health and quality of life issue

        • Torenico [he/him]@hexbear.net
          1 month ago

          Not far from where I live there’s a medium sized LED billboard that is stupidly bright. Like it’s so bright it even hurts my eyes as I pass through that corner at night while on my bycicle. I wish to go full IRA on whoever gave the ok to put such horrendous crime against humanity there. Let people rest their fucking eyes omg.

          It does turn itself off by 22pm or something, but christ fuck this shit.

    • red_stapler [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      I went to the most remote dark sky certified place in my area to watch the recent meteor shower and the Milky Way was only just barely visible.

    • Chronicon [they/them]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      This. Seriously.

      Turn the fucking street lights OFF (or way down)

      Ban the private businesses that are running blinding LED floodlights, signboards, etc. all night.

      There’s an area in my city where any time of night, any time of year, there’s a huge glow on the horizon, and its not the city, nor the sunrise, it’s just an agglomeration of fucking CAR DEALERSHIPS that light their entire premises and car lots literally bright as day all night. When I’m over there at night I pray for power outages, because it’s the only time it even gets kinda dark. otherwise its like brighter than full moonlight all night every night. And that’s not even like, next to the dealerships, it’s that bright over a half mile away with no line of sight.

      I’ve even lived in a building that was infested with spiders because of their ultra-bright parking lot lighting, which attracted hordes of bugs.

      • Yeah. Where I live the smaller towns used to have a rule where street lights would turn off at 11pm every night. A few still do. That alone would make a huge difference.

        I used to live on an actual island as a kid and that real darkness and those stars I will never forget and will always miss. The sleep you get in real dark (and silence) is just different.

        Living in a city now that wants to be very modern and touristy they are ruining everything with lights, even most historic buildings get these stupid huge ad screens attached on them. Everything from bus stops to parks is just bright as day 24/7.

        I could also expand this to sound, or car noise. It is so taxing.

        • Chronicon [they/them]@hexbear.net
          1 month ago

          Just having all outdoor lights be warm and dim, and on motion sensors where appropriate (bus stops maybe?) and not lighting areas that don’t need it (most parts of parks) would make such a difference. I’m sympathetic to some needs for public lighting, but it should be done 10x more thoughtfully. And my city isn’t even that bad in most areas.

    • Sickos [they/them, it/its]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      Yeah. I feel generations are being robbed of seeing the universe’s beauty. It’s obscene.

      I moved a few miles farther away from the major commercial centers a couple years back, and now I at least get a few stars instead of a neverending twilight purple haze at night.

      I miss the stars.

      • Same. We went to visit the seaside this weekend and someone had built a big luxury housing unit right next to the ocean with these really bright street lights on the yard. The lights blinded the cabins we were in from seeing the night sky and I am sure nobody who lives in that luxury building can see the stars at all. Like why would you decide to go live in a place like that and then just ruin the things that are great about it.

        I also feel like the lighting thing has gotten fully out of hand in the last decades with cheap and way too bright led lighting, every little nook and corner is now littered with bright lights. We get northern lights where I live, saw the most pathetic shade of one here last winter after walking to a park where there is a tiny tiny corner of less light and it just made me feel incredibly sad. Like this wonder that should be a part of our experiences as humans gets taken from us and is treated like it’s nothing. We are alienated from darkness and silence both, we would need both I feel.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    if you told me you got out of your car with an axe and smashed up a pair of badly adjusted LED headlights I would nod solemnly and tell you well done.

    • Evil_Shrubbery@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      My cars high beans beams would have parted to not shine directly into the car ahead, low canned beans beams are auto leveled anyway, and my IR camera wound detect this most hinged individual & yeet a specialised bean flash a specialised beam directly to their face to alert me I should prepare my street fighting axe (to smash the rest of the car with those badly adjusted, now broken headlights).

      But even with all this tech people will absolutely intentionality drive around with fog lamps bcs it “looks cool brah” … I should prepare my street fighting morning star.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    The only food items that should be “for a limited time” are ones produced with seasonal ingredients

    Especially soda

    Is Tab good for me? Definitely not

    But it needs me