My wife and I lead a pretty simple life. I work from home at a low-stress job. She is a stay-at-home mom. We have a small house, a garden, and some chickens. But we have a 3-month-old and a two-year-old. Nothing about our life feels slow or simple. On top of watching the kids there's always tons cleaning to do and house repairs and upkeep. How do you balance things that aren't optional like vehicle/house maintenance, upkeep, and raising kids? Is simple living just a luxury of those who don't have kids?

Or are we already living simply and it just doesn't FEEL simple?

    1 year ago

    Simple living doesn’t always feel peaceful. 😅 I’m also a SAHM with what I would describe as quiet hobbies (reading, journaling, crochet, etc). My toddler provides plenty of chaos though lol.

    With a 3mo and 2yr, you shouldn’t be worrying about simple living right now honestly. You’re in the thick of it. It’s okay to just be in survival mode.

    I imagine what you need is quiet time and a break. Do you have any family that can babysit sometimes so you two can go away for a while? Even a few hours is helpful. Does the toddler still nap? That is the time for one of you to also power nap, if possible.

    The key is to simplify the house maintenance too. Some days the laundry and dishes will fall behind. That’s okay! These days are gonna go by fast. I can go on and on about cleaning and organizing systems if that is something you wanna hear.