The machines I highlight in this video all have the same potentially lethal design. Recent firmware makes the sensors work correctly now, but the design is s...
We have one at work (office cats ftw). I don’t know the model, but knowing the owner I’m positive they didn’t get a cheapo version. In this case it’s worth the money because it does a fairly good job at mixing the litter which seems to help quite a lot with the smell (it gets noticeably better a few minutes after it’s done its thing), since no one is gonna empty it during the day.
We have one at work (office cats ftw). I don’t know the model, but knowing the owner I’m positive they didn’t get a cheapo version. In this case it’s worth the money because it does a fairly good job at mixing the litter which seems to help quite a lot with the smell (it gets noticeably better a few minutes after it’s done its thing), since no one is gonna empty it during the day.