Just a super quick question about helping to update the map locations.

Between StreetComplete and Organic Maps, which is faster for submitting recommended changes to the OSM team in regards to things like business hours, etc…

  • Tyoda@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    SC redownloads map data if it is over 12 hours old on your device, so you’re likely seeing up to date information. And you can always download manually in an area to see the absolute freshest data, if you think that’s necessary.

    Organic Maps doesn’t update the data nearly as often, as it’s not really meant for editing. That being said, unless you are in a busy area, the chances of a fellow mapper already having submitted that data since the last update in OM is slim.

    At the end of the day, you should just do what is convenient for you and allows you to contribute easier.