
I’m looking for a portable ortholinear for taking to co-working in my backpack.

For context, I’m a coder. I use neovim all day. At home I use a maltron 3d. It’s a fantastic comfortable keyboard (I think kinesis nicked the design?), although it did take getting used to.

It’s the only keyboard I’ve ever been able to touch type on.

So yeah. I’d like to find something similar that is portable. It has to have quiet switches, as it’s a shared office. Any suggestions?

So far I’ve looked at:

Those all look nice, but are too expensive.

How does the ergodox ez hold up these days?

  • pixelprimer@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    For a silent and portable keywell you’ve basically only got the Glove80. Their new Cherry Blossom silent switches is where I would go. Voyager is also an option but only slightly less expensive than the glove and you lose the keywell. I’d definitely go for that if you’re willing to drop the cash. There’s usually a few used ones up for sale on the MoErgo discord