• aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    21 days ago

    I know this is going to be a controversial comment, but this is a necessary statement from Putin. The concept of MAD fails to exist if one side allows itself to be attacked without any response. That’s how the world ends up with a hot war between nuclear powers, and the inevitable escaltion to a nuclear exchange. Long range strikes into Russia using NATO weapons need to be avoided at all costs. NATO leaders are playing with fire, they need to be reminded that fire burns.

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      21 days ago

      It doesn’t seem that controversial to me. NATO is the aggressor and has had an agressive stance toward the Russian Federation since the coup they backed brought it into existence. They’ve been playing with fire for 30 years. They can’t even feel the temperature anymore because they feel entitled to consequence free bombing campaigns. I hope Putin’s message works and gets these rabid NATO wardogs to back off

      • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        21 days ago

        they had been aggressing before that too; they put missiles in Turkey first, originally causing the Cuban missile crisis – then refused to ratify the already-agreed-on Salt II treaty (put doi# into sci-hub), while instead Bzrezinski and Carter financed and trained terrorists and warlords who r*pe children and throw acid at schoolgirls directly to create terror and crises in Communist Afghan which bordered SSRs with which there were many exchange and education programs so that they could push the USSR into a “vietnamese quagmire,”; which eventually grew into such a catastrophic organized international-terrorist-fueled civil war scenario that after the DRA had already asked for assistance 20 times and was being rebuffed even as Soviet advisors and ambassadors were murdered with their families by extremists, the Soviets eventually decided to choose what they deemed the “least bad” option and invaded. (China also helped the muhajideen terrorists, including facilitating CIA/ISI training camps near Xinjiang, and created their own blowback for that. Post-split Chinese foreign policy was UNHINGED and SHITTY DOO DOO ASS and I’m thankful they wised up into non-intervention).

        and then after all that played out and the US backed the Yeltsin coup where he abolished the parliament impeaching him and shelled the building killing hundreds, the US continued as being the ones as you said been the aggressor. It was them backing out of every missile treaty one by one, after and while and remilitarizing Europe and expanding ever eastward in a move sponsored directly by arms dealers of whom Democrats are beneficiary, being heavily patronized and vice-versa by those same death-merchants. .

        The US and its EU vassal-cartel and their NATO military vanguard-of-neocolonialism for which IMF and World Bank are the preeminent institutional entities of, have always been the aggressor. It’s so bizarre western media calls Putin like he’s an unhinged megalomaniac who only knows violence when in reality he’s an incorrigible neolib who had deluded himself and others for decades the US might ever listen to their concerns and be anything different than a relentless aggressor. And Putin had been an incorrigible moderate against most of the Duma (from Communists to rightwingers) during all of this Ukraine stuff since 2014. If they had gone in in 2014 and said “absolyutna nyet” after the nazi-spearheaded coup, which many had pushed for and continued to over the years, there might have been 1000-2000 dead at most and none of this shit would have become so horrendous. But instead he only pulled the trigger on Crimea because of the Black Sea Fleet and otherwise continually blocked the Duma’s demands, and dragged feet on and undermined the DNR/LNR demands and requests, instead letting them get shot and tortured and murdered and smashed out of Odessa and Kherson and Mariupol by Nazis and suffer a bunch of awful political struggles and protracted violence and shellings; while the west NATO empire openly armed and trained more and more of the overtly anti-Russian military and fascist groups to be a battering ram for the largest most violent empire that has ever existed, the USA.

        He stood as an incorrigible collaborationist moderate pushing for agreements and compromises with the west, who anyone with a brain could tell was never intending on following through with any of it BECAUSE THEY WERE THE DRIVING FORCE OF IT ALL GOING THIS WAY IN THE FIRST PLACE; while allowing not only the arming and training of the openly anti-Russian military and militias operating in Ukraine to kill Russians; but also allowing the corrupted growth of an entire generation, now today old-enough to fire a gun, have the most formative years of their upbringing guided through Azov and C-14’s state-funded Nazi “education centers,” Nazi “community organizations,” and Nazi-youth military summer-camps; that if Putin was half the comicbook villain western liberals think he is, or if he had just remembered his Soviet education — his dialectical- and historical materialist education which he undoubtedly got; he would not have held such delusions and the world wouldn’t be teetering over nuclear oblivion like this with so many pointless tens-to-hundreds-of-thousands dead and half a million wounded, и за что? зачем?

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]@hexbear.net
      21 days ago

      Not controversial at all, I just hope Western politicians actually take heed for once, I’d prefer not to die because of these frothing fascist NATO assholes nato-cool

    • Amanduh@lemm.ee
      21 days ago

      Wait so russia is allowed to destroy all of Ukraine but gets upset once ukraine starts blowing stuff up in russia?

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        21 days ago

        If NATO weapons are used in long range strikes in Russia, if would require NATO service members to input the targeting information, and NATO satellites to guide the weapons. That is why Russia would then consider these NATO countries to have carried out an attack on Russian soil in such a scenario. Ukraine is more than welcome to carry out long range strikes into Russia with its own capabilities and weapons, with it’s own military service members inputting the targeting data, in fact they have done so many times before, with success. I’m sure you can appreciate the difference between the two scenarios.

        Secondly, one has to ask if the US and NATO wants to open this “Pandora’s box” in effect. If they can give Ukraine, or any other proxy, advanced long range weaponry to strike at Russia, Russia can respond in turn. There have already been talks between Russia and the Houthis/Ansarallah on the acquisition of advanced Russian anti ship supersonic cruise missiles, such missiles could present a serious threat to the US Navy in the region. There are many US military bases around the world, and many groups of people that want them gone. These groups would take Russian weapons in a heartbeat. This is before we even talk about anti satellite weaponry, nuclear testing, and any other myriad of responses. I’d prefer if we keep this “Pandora’s box” closed.

  • if there are any aliens observing us, now would be a great time to do an anti-imperialist intervention followed by some intergalactic communist nation building. we are all held hostage by western imperialists playing nuclear chicken with the rest of the world. a planet-wide hostage bomb vest where multiple factions have the button, in this scenario the faction with the least reluctance to use it will get their way. america and its vassals have been recklessly testing these nuclear boundaries, someone or something must put a stop to it.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]@hexbear.net
    21 days ago


    This is why I practiced end of world survival

    While everyone else is running around screaming, I’ll be filtering my water with tree bark, clay and coffee filters

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
      21 days ago

      It looks like a response to the talk of doing deep strikes into Russia. According to the updated nuclear doctrine, Russia might decide to respond with a nuclear strike. Putin also mentioned an attack on Belarus explicitly, so maybe they’re expecting something there too?

      • CommCat [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        21 days ago

        For those who don’t understand why doing deep strikes inside Russia with NATO supplied missiles is a declaration of War on Russia by NATO. These long range missiles needs satellites to get coordinates and guidance, Ukraine obviously does not have them, which means NATO is directly involved in launching these missiles. If these Western leaders are that crazy to directly confront Russia, we might have WWIII.

          • sexywheat [none/use name]@hexbear.net
            21 days ago

            the leadership in the west is completely deranged

            Ultimately this is the core of it. During the Cold War the yanks at least tried to understand the Soviets: how they thought, what motivated them, what made them tick. They really put a lot of effort into understanding their enemy, and MAD was treated as a real actual threat to be avoided.

            There is no such effort made today. It’s just rabid defense contractors sitting on their thrones of human skulls, in front of their Scrooge McDuck sized piles of money. All they want is domination and control. They want to destroy and balkanise Russia so they and their buddies can get more contracts and colonise the newly formed, broken up states and make even more money. All the while the media is chanting “Slava Ukraini!” and whipping the scratched libs into a genocidal frenzy.

            LINE MUST GO UP stonks-up frothingfash

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.net
    21 days ago

    This is a threat against the UK. There was an emergency cobra meeting yesterday that was performed during the labour conference which definitely wouldn’t have been planned and it will have been because of this.

    They pretended it was about Israel but we all know Labour’s position on that so it won’t have been it.

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    21 days ago

    What exactly would the missiles accomplish? Let the Ukrainians let throw more soldiers into a pointless meat grinder for a while longer? I want to strangle every single Western politician

    • MoreAmphibians [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      21 days ago

      Ukraine’s only way of winning is direct US/NATO intervention. So their only hope is to keep escalating and hope something happens. If Russia has an unmeasured response and begins attacking the NATO planes guiding Ukraine’s attacks or commits civilian reprisals then that might be enough to get the US directly involved (maybe).

      • Mantikora [none/use any]@hexbear.net
        21 days ago

        I’m going to get so downvoted for this, lol. Wasn’t Putin who attacked Ukraine? So who is escalating? At this moment we have two major criminals who are stubborn over their goals and won’t stop fucking killing and wars. Fuck them all. You can’t shit on USA and praise Russia. Same scummy coin, just different sides. They would all like to rule the world, fuck them.

        Also, stupid Putin ruined the only paradise in the world, Chernobyl. You see, years after the nuclear accident, nature in Chernobyl started to flourish, animals came back because there was no humans there. A fucking paradise, I tell you. And then fucking Putin’s troops march through Chernobyl, raise the radioactive dust and scare my animals with their war machines. So fuck that guy. I don’t know why are you defending that asshole here, but he’s an asshole and a murderer.

        • MoreAmphibians [none/use name]@hexbear.net
          21 days ago

          Ukraine was already at war with the Donbas republics when Russia intervened. The order is events is as follows. Russia recognizes Donbas republics --> Ukraine massively escalates the shelling of the Donbas republics --> Russia invades Ukraine. The central Ukrainian government repeatedly refused to actually abide by any of the ceasefires it had signed and was shelling its separatist regions on-and-off for eight years while Putin stood around with his thumb up his ass.

          The animals in Chernobyl seem to still be doing fine as far as I can tell. Scientists are still studying them and publishing papers. There were was some extra radiation revealed by the dust being kicked up but animals don’t really care about that, it’s why Chernobyl became a wildlife haven in the first place.

          We don’t have downvotes here.

        • I’m going to get so downvoted for this, lol. Wasn’t Putin who attacked Ukraine? So who is escalating? At this moment we have two major criminals who are stubborn over their goals and won’t stop fucking killing and wars. Fuck them all. You can’t shit on USA and praise Russia. Same scummy coin, just different sides. They would all like to rule the world, fuck them.

          I can shit on both, i can also conveniently allow russia to shit on the west and find it funny. NATO escalated first, america escalated first, not just in 2014, but in 1991 when they made the soviet union collapse. In every year since 1917 where they attacked and strangled the soviet union in its cradle. America created the conditions for Putin in the first place, america created the conditions for this whole conflict, and america exploited it for profit. And then we have you idiots ditzing about wondering why things happen lmao. Russia is a shitty corpse of humanity’s hopes and dreams that AMERICA made and should rightly be blamed for. Ukraine did everything America told it to do, and its going soooooooooooo well for them.

          Russia might want to rule some of ukraine, and definitely wants to throw its weight around, but America is the only country that has shown aggression towards every nation. Russia increases trade and aid relations, america brings debt, coups, and corruption.

          So can you please shut your damn mouth and fuck off to whatever stupid corner of the internet you came from?

          Also, stupid Putin ruined the only paradise in the world, Chernobyl. You see, years after the nuclear accident, nature in Chernobyl started to flourish, animals came back because there was no humans there. A fucking paradise, I tell you. And then fucking Putin’s troops march through Chernobyl, raise the radioactive dust and scare my animals with their war machines. So fuck that guy. I don’t know why are you defending that asshole here, but he’s an asshole and a murderer.

          Calling the remains of a irradiated city in a corrupt reactionary backwater state ‘the only paradise in the world’ is peak fucking stupidity. ‘my animals’ who are you the fucking lorax? God what even are you lmao?