This was the one soup-throwing which did any damage at all; in this case to the frame.
The penalty is appreciably worse than for minor violent attacks.
This was the one soup-throwing which did any damage at all; in this case to the frame.
The penalty is appreciably worse than for minor violent attacks.
-The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery Alabama, Dec 8, 1955
-The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery Alabama, Dec 13, 1955
Posting this for no particular reason every time I see folks complaining about protestors “not protesting the right way”
People who get angry at Just Stop Oil tactics are just showing their ignorance of civil rights and protest history.
Re: protest history: Like how the suffragettes sent letter bombs to people? It is not a cut and dry, “I’m right, therefore anything I do is unimpeachable.”
Nobody deserves a free pass to use any means they deem necessary by virtue of fighting for what we/they consider the “right things.”
Because as we know, picture frames are famously liquid-tight containers…wait…
Yeah I just pissed on some lady to stop big oil. Like The Civil Rights Protestors!! And they’re telling me I protested wrong! HA!!