This was the one soup-throwing which did any damage at all; in this case to the frame.
The penalty is appreciably worse than for minor violent attacks.
This was the one soup-throwing which did any damage at all; in this case to the frame.
The penalty is appreciably worse than for minor violent attacks.
It would not have succeeded otherwise, since they were the ones in power.
And look how well that’s working out: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/pcssm/commentary/public-disapproval-of-disruptive-climate-change-protests/
Sounds like somebody is butthurt that they realize they don’t actually have a good defense other than nihilism. Refute my points, if you have a problem, but ad hominem attacks aren’t a valid justification why my points are invalid.
What part of your study is measuring an irrelevant thing do you not fucking understand?