Democrats are stepping up their outreach to Muslim and Arab voters, who could be critical in battleground states like Michigan but are concerned about U.S. support for Israel.
Thanks for sharing a link to the transcript. Walz misspoke and conflated Israel for Iran. His response was vague but only asserted the need for steady leadership.
Vance said he would support a preemptive strike from Israel:
And we should support our allies wherever they are when they’re fighting the bad guys.
The Jewish Chronicle certainly doesn’t think Walz is a Zionist:
In touch with the anti-Israel segment of the Democratic base, Walz urged a Middle East ceasefire in March. And when 18 per cent of Minnesota Democrats cast protest votes against President Biden over Israel policy, Walz reacted respectfully: “Take them seriously. Their message is clear, that they think this is an intolerable situation and we can do more, and I think the president is hearing that.”
A review of Tim Walz’s time in Congress from 2007 to 2018 shows he supported multiple Israeli wars on Gaza, rejected the international consensus on the illegality of West Bank settlements, and opposed any unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state.
In reality, though, Walz has never diverged from the party line of unconditionally supporting Israel, a position illustrated by his comments earlier this year at an event held by the Jewish Community Relations Council.
“The ability of Jewish people to self-determine themselves is foundational … The failure to recognise the state of Israel is taking away that self-determination. So it is anti-Semitic,” he said.
While sitting in Congress from 2007-2019, Walz voted to condemn a United Nations resolution that Israeli settlements in the West Bank were illegal.
Walz has not spoken publicly on calls to divest from Israeli companies.
He also expressed support for Zionism and said those who do not recognize Israel are antisemitic this June at an event held by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas.
He traveled to Israel on a 2009 diplomatic trip to the Middle East during which he met with both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Syrian President Bashar al-Asad. He also voted with his party to allocate foreign aid, including to Israel
Lol. These articles are a little silly. The first article complains that Walz voted Yea on the purely symbolic H.Res.34 in 2009, along with 389 other representatives…
I think you want Walz to be the bad guy. I refuse to idolize any politician, but calling Walz a Zionist is rich.
You blue magas are incredible, they can say anything, do anything and you will still defend them. Ok then but don’t pretend that your genocide loving asses are on left of fucking Trump when Trump promise genocide and your liberal darlings not only promise but PARTICIPATE in genocide.
I’m pretty conflicted about it. I want to see the most possible harm done to American empire (with least possible harm done to anyone else) and on one side Trump was incompetent enough to do some of it, but then Biden came and did so much more of it, so i’m not even really sure who would be better (or rather who would be worse).
Though main concern i guess is the fundamental question to which i simply don’t know the answer: which party is less likely to say “apres mois, le deluge” and push the button or at least start “short, victorious war” but with nukes. Usually i would 100% point to republicans, but last two governments seen Trump backing in last minute from his planned aggression on Iran and Biden causing the proxy war in Ukraine (which thankfully don’t currently have big chance to escalate in WW3) and at least allowing and supporting the massacre in Palestine (which have potential to go nuclear).
Then you should definitely fight against a second Trump term. He previously encountered numerous guardrails and systematically worked to dismantle them. Military leaders have warned against a second presidency, emphasizing Trump’s chaotic and irrational behavior. He has expressed his love for authoritarian leaders and has turned to promoting Christian nationalism.
Trump will harm as many people as possible while enriching those with the greatest wealth.
I wouldn’t use a Fox News screenshot as any form of reference. Here’s his statement:
“But again, the point is it — it’s Iran that is at the heart of this and their proxies that bring disruption throughout the region,” Walz added. “That’s why being in the Situation Room, as the vice president was working with the Israelis to repel the attack we saw this week, they tried it back in April, the same thing. And that’s the point of being and boxing Iran in,” he said, arguing Trump allowed Iran to get closer to having nuclear weapons by pulling the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal.
Even that Politico rag don’t believe him (“Walz downplays past false statements in rare interview” right in the headline) and call him about his turbozionism and this interview only confirmed it, even in your quotation and few next sentences he already speak as US was in open war with Iran
Greater Israel is a specific idea within zionism, zionism on steroids. While it’s definitely what Israel is going for, most zionists at least officially don’t espouse it because they still to try to pose as defending side etc. etc. So “Greater Israel supporter” is even worse than just “ordinary” zionist.
He’s not only a zionist, he’s turbozionist, and all the blue maga here should turn into corncobs
OK. Zionism is a settler colonial project by definition. Its necessarily racist.
So anyone who is a Zionist believes that they are superior than the indigenous population that they genocide or displace. Therefore, its hard to imagine a Zionist who doesn’t want to steal more land from the people around them who they think are lesser people.
I mean, I guess there’s a sliver of folks that justify historic misdeeds, but its easy to see that the majority of Zionists would fall under this “greater Israel” ideological umbrella.
So my point is, just call him a Zionist and be done with it.
This is how he “makes direct appeal to conflicted Muslim voters”?
Full transcript text of the 1st oct debate
I mean after this muslim Americans should be less conflicted about not voting for the selfadmitted Greater Israel supporters, sure.
Thanks for sharing a link to the transcript. Walz misspoke and conflated Israel for Iran. His response was vague but only asserted the need for steady leadership.
Vance said he would support a preemptive strike from Israel:
The Jewish Chronicle certainly doesn’t think Walz is a Zionist:
this is either incredibly naive or intentionally misleading. his response was full support of Israel’s expansion as a necessity for US foreign policy.
‘Strong record of supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship’: a look at Tim Walz’s votes on Palestine as a member of Congress (15 Aug 2024)
Tim Walz: How does Kamala Harris’s VP pick view Israel, Palestine, China? (7 Aug 2024)
Kamala Harris selects Tim Walz, pro-Israel Minnesota governor, as her running mate (6 Aug 2024)
Lol. These articles are a little silly. The first article complains that Walz voted Yea on the purely symbolic H.Res.34 in 2009, along with 389 other representatives…
I think you want Walz to be the bad guy. I refuse to idolize any politician, but calling Walz a Zionist is rich.
You blue magas are incredible, they can say anything, do anything and you will still defend them. Ok then but don’t pretend that your genocide loving asses are on left of fucking Trump when Trump promise genocide and your liberal darlings not only promise but PARTICIPATE in genocide.
Say what you want but I learned my lesson from the first Trump presidency. Don’t let that dangerous fool anywhere near the White House again.
I’m pretty conflicted about it. I want to see the most possible harm done to American empire (with least possible harm done to anyone else) and on one side Trump was incompetent enough to do some of it, but then Biden came and did so much more of it, so i’m not even really sure who would be better (or rather who would be worse).
Though main concern i guess is the fundamental question to which i simply don’t know the answer: which party is less likely to say “apres mois, le deluge” and push the button or at least start “short, victorious war” but with nukes. Usually i would 100% point to republicans, but last two governments seen Trump backing in last minute from his planned aggression on Iran and Biden causing the proxy war in Ukraine (which thankfully don’t currently have big chance to escalate in WW3) and at least allowing and supporting the massacre in Palestine (which have potential to go nuclear).
Then you should definitely fight against a second Trump term. He previously encountered numerous guardrails and systematically worked to dismantle them. Military leaders have warned against a second presidency, emphasizing Trump’s chaotic and irrational behavior. He has expressed his love for authoritarian leaders and has turned to promoting Christian nationalism.
Trump will harm as many people as possible while enriching those with the greatest wealth.
Speaking of Trump not caring how many people he hurts…
Speaking of Walz not caring how many people he hurts
I wouldn’t use a Fox News screenshot as any form of reference. Here’s his statement:
Even that Politico rag don’t believe him (“Walz downplays past false statements in rare interview” right in the headline) and call him about his turbozionism and this interview only confirmed it, even in your quotation and few next sentences he already speak as US was in open war with Iran
Why are you afraid to use the word “zionist”?
What? You sure that is answer to my comment?
Yes. You said “greater Israel supporters”. Just use the word: he’s a Zionist.
Greater Israel is a specific idea within zionism, zionism on steroids. While it’s definitely what Israel is going for, most zionists at least officially don’t espouse it because they still to try to pose as defending side etc. etc. So “Greater Israel supporter” is even worse than just “ordinary” zionist.
He’s not only a zionist, he’s turbozionist, and all the blue maga here should turn into corncobs
OK. Zionism is a settler colonial project by definition. Its necessarily racist.
So anyone who is a Zionist believes that they are superior than the indigenous population that they genocide or displace. Therefore, its hard to imagine a Zionist who doesn’t want to steal more land from the people around them who they think are lesser people.
I mean, I guess there’s a sliver of folks that justify historic misdeeds, but its easy to see that the majority of Zionists would fall under this “greater Israel” ideological umbrella.
So my point is, just call him a Zionist and be done with it.