And it won’t even be over on Tuesday no matter who wins.

I just have to start distracting myself when it happens.

  • OpenStars
    4 months ago

    Well look at Mr. Perfect over here, “getting over” these major panic attacks?! :-P

    On a more serious note, we’re not okay. Even those who think the most strongly that they are - including black, gay, women etc. planning on voting Republican, thinking that surely the leopards won’t eat their faces off? (and legitimately they might not… for a time)

    Ironically, we all would have been better off if we had had more fear, especially back when it was possible to make more of a difference. e.g. that women’s march after Trump’s election and others like it the following year(s) was iirc the largest simultaneous collective gatherings of human beings that have ever occurred on planet earth before in the history of… literally ever - but what if it had been 5-10-50x larger than that even? Could the billionaire-bought media have so easily pushed it aside then?

    Or we saw what happened when the powerful people asked Biden to step aside - he did. What if similar had happened to Hillary Clinton… or what if she had actually bothered to campaign in the midwest battleground states?

    But all we can do is keep moving forwards. That’s all that is (ever) possible. Live and learn, and keep fighting the good fight.