Nobėdı ƿantſ t mentcėn ðiſ bikȯz it u̇ndṙku̇tſ ðeıṙ fæntėſı ðæt moſt ėmeırikėnz aṙ ſıkrit ſocėliſtſ weıtıŋ f æn ėmeırikėn Marx t ſpaṙk revėlucėn.
Nobody wants to mention this because it undercuts their fantasy that most americans are secret socialists waiting for an american Marx to spark revolution.
İt’z dju̇ſt ð leftƿacd vṙjėn v “Ekėnȯmik Eıŋgzuyitı”
It’s just the leftwashed version of “Economic Anxiety”
Something I haven’t seen discussed is that Kamala is a woman. There are a lot of misogynistic voters who will refuse to vote for a woman.
Nobėdı ƿantſ t mentcėn ðiſ bikȯz it u̇ndṙku̇tſ ðeıṙ fæntėſı ðæt moſt ėmeırikėnz aṙ ſıkrit ſocėliſtſ weıtıŋ f æn ėmeırikėn Marx t ſpaṙk revėlucėn.
Nobody wants to mention this because it undercuts their fantasy that most americans are secret socialists waiting for an american Marx to spark revolution.
İt’z dju̇ſt ð leftƿacd vṙjėn v “Ekėnȯmik Eıŋgzuyitı”
It’s just the leftwashed version of “Economic Anxiety”