Because they couldn’t. He bought the bag before they automatically tracked all purchasers with a unique ID on the bags they sell. The CEO of PD actively called the tip line.
Because they couldn’t. He bought the bag before they automatically tracked all purchasers with a unique ID on the bags they sell. The CEO of PD actively called the tip line.
Pretty much any Peak Design product has a alternative that is on par in quality and usually cheaper. Their bags, strap and clip system, and their tripods. You may want you to look into those next time you’re shopping.
Edit: PetaPixel interviewed him and he came across as a massive douche.
It’s not their clip system. ARCA plates have been in use since the '90s. Theirs is just a spin that fits most equipment featuring ARCA clamps.
Okay can you recommend me a bag?
Yes. What are you looking for? School? Commuter? Hiking? Photography? What types of items will you carry? What’s your budget? Tolerance for weather?