I was unable to upload even the shortest video because it was too long for my instance. Therefore, please enjoy the following:

  1. Partial visualization of test data. I cut this short because it took 40 seconds to do just a few (out of 81) paths: https://youtube.com/shorts/7UvzgSsMQNA
  2. Partial visualization of full data. I cut this short because I didn’t want to wait 40 minutes. It’s sped up 2x by making it 60fps (each step is approximately one frame) https://youtu.be/cv9qSdrV2Z4
  3. Full visualization, but it only shows the end paths, not individual steps: https://youtube.com/shorts/ozQ77ikI7JI

Unfortunately youtube is forcing my videos to be shorts due to aspect ratio and length, I don’t know if I can force them to a regular video

  • mykl@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Great, thanks! I’ve always had Roassal at the back of my mind as a way of generating visualisations for AOC, but never got round to it. This might kick-start me, but maybe for next year at this point :-)