I’m wondering about the Luigi line.

Post Trump, it seems as if there is no justice for the rich besides vigilante justice.

Would any of the below qualify for a Luigi? Where is the line? I find the cognitive ethical dissonance of Luigi disconcerting.

The following list is very dark, and super cynical - I apologize in advance.

A pharma company has found a cure for cancer, but suppresses it to make money on treatment. Causing innumerable deaths.

A pharma company has found a cure for Alzheimer’s - but suppresses it. Causing suffering.

A pharma company knows a drug treatment is ineffective for some major illness, but pushes it anyway, suppressing other research. Causing suffering.

A pharma company pushes a drug known to cause massive dependence, with insignificant benefit. Causing suffering.

A car company knows an airbag is defective, and does not fix it. Causing thousands of deaths.

An airplane manufacturer creates an airplane with faulty construction, knowingly, and thousands die.

A manufacturing company pollutes a town’s water, causing birth defects, general sickness.

This list could go on forever of course. But where is the line post Luigi, post Trump non-trial. What makes one CEO at risk, and another not?

  • fishabel
    2 months ago

    But the only solution to a system that will never put them behind bars and shows no sign of changing is Luigi. They did it to themselves, don’t feel pity. It’s self defense, not murder.