Yes, while the radiation puts more energy in than the convective etc. cooling removes. So near 0 this is guaranteed, since the temperature difference from ice to ambient is almost 0 while radiation keeps pumping in something like 0.5 W. But who eats ice at freezing temperatures… And outside?
I have eaten ice cream outside when temperatures were sub-zero Fahrenheit. It’s not something I do regularly but it’s happened and will probably happen again.
If I want ice cream, then I want ice cream. No other considerations matter.
So made this meme is eating ice cream when it’s below or near freezing? Because you still get ice melting below freezing due to radiation.
Yes, while the radiation puts more energy in than the convective etc. cooling removes. So near 0 this is guaranteed, since the temperature difference from ice to ambient is almost 0 while radiation keeps pumping in something like 0.5 W. But who eats ice at freezing temperatures… And outside?
I have eaten ice cream outside when temperatures were sub-zero Fahrenheit. It’s not something I do regularly but it’s happened and will probably happen again.
If I want ice cream, then I want ice cream. No other considerations matter.
Alright then. But at 0 °F it is not going to melt without your intervention, no matter how sunny it is.