Guess the state…
Deputies found he violated three sheriff’s office polices; he departed from the truth, used an electronic device for something that was prohibited and likely wasn’t wearing a seatbelt behind the wheel.
Does this mean using a cellphone while driving, as long as the contents aren’t prohibited, aligns with the sheriff office polices?
Well they typically have computers used to look up license plate numbers and such, so I assume that aligns with policy on electronic devices.
Ha right, I was thinking of the use case where electronic device usage is authorized, just not while driving a car. Like watching hours of security cam footage for an investigation.
surely they have the passenger do that though… like you should never permit a driver to operate devices while driving - it’s just wildly dangerous, and for what benefit? perhaps you might have spotted something sus?
Passenger? Cops roll solo everywhere I’ve lived (US).
Guess the state…
I was gonna say Florida.
Watch the video… dude was sitting on his buckled seatbelt.
Typical piggy. Rules for thee, but not for me!
Doesn’t even surprise me. Lot of people that just don’t realise how dangerous that is until it’s too late.
I wish cars weren’t as required so these rule breaks would be taken more seriously
Yeah. I also wish people would realise that seatbelts are there for a reason. It’s all fun and games until someone flies through a windshield.
A seatbelt saved my life twice in the span of a year and a half. Luckily haven’t needed it since… still use it though.
I had a coworker that refused to use them. Believed they killed more people than they saved. He went flying out of his work vehicle and died.
I’ve always been someone that uses seatbelts, but after that I was even more adamant about it.
It blows my fucking mind that when I was born “it’s safer to be thrown clear of the accident” was a thing that people commonly, unironically believed. It seems to be less prevalent today, but after witnessing the collective pushback to covid measures… yeah, common sense isn’t as a common as the name implies.
Yeah, he said the seatbelt would cut an artery in your neck and kill you or something. So, at least that didn’t happen I guess.
Just to play devil’s advocate as I agree seatbelts should always be used. But if you think back then how cars were designed, they didn’t have well designed crumple zones to absorb the impact. So if your options are to get pancaked between metal or go flying out the window, flying at least gives you a chance of survival.
Surprises me! Other than an EMT, I’d expect a cop of all people to understand the danger. These are the people that show up when some idiot yeets himself through the windshield.
Did they verify the officers age first? /s
Giggidy go directly to prison.
wohoo paid suspension!