Hello all!

Like most people I find myself a recent refugee from the Unity fiasco. I've been trying to prototype a project in Godot and I've been running into an issue I would think would be pretty easy to find a solution to as it seems to be a pretty fundamental building block of any project in Godot. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how to accomplish this in Godot, but essentially I'm instantiating a number of tiles to be used for a grid system in my game. I want these tiles to be able to emit their index and transform values and then have other scripts pick this information up as needed. From what I've read signals are the way to do this, however whenever I try to send a signal with or without parameters nothing seems to happen. I seem to be able to connect to the signal just fine but the method doesn't seem to be called.

Here's an example of me defining the signal and then emitting it:

signal index_transform()


And here's how I am connecting and attempting to call the method in a secondary script:

func _ready() -> void:
	var hexGrid = get_node("/root/Main/Map/HexGrid")
	hexGrid.index_transform.connect(Callable(self, "_get_hex_index_transform"))

func _get_hex_index_transform():
	print("I'm Connected")

And when I'm passing parameters from what I understand I should only have to include the parameters like so:

signal index_transform(index, transform)

index_transform.emit(tile_index, tile_coordinates)
func _ready() -> void:
	var hexGrid = get_node("/root/Main/Map/HexGrid")
	hexGrid.index_transform.connect(Callable(self, "_get_hex_index_transform"))

func _get_hex_index_transform(index, transform):
	print("I'm Connected")
	print("INDEX: ", index," POS: ", transform)

However neither of these seem to work. What am I doing wrong?

  • Tab@mastodon.gamedev.place
    1 year ago

    @plixel @Rodeo if the parent is creating the children at runtime then that’s the time to connect signals in code.

    If the child already exists as part of the parent’s scene you could connect it’s signals in the editor (built-in signals or your own signals). Then in code just run singal_name.emit(args) when needed. You can still connect them in code if you want [e.g. iterate over get_children()].