When you think about being one of the crew’s family members, sitting in your cabin through all the battles and crazy stuff the ship went through, just waiting while the ship is being pummeled and you have absolutely no idea what’s going on, it’s pretty terrifying. You really have to wonder if Starfleet was making the best decisions for everyone involved.
The notion of exploration has to come with the understanding that crazy shits gonna go down. That being said, the flagship of Starfleet housing over 1000 and includes family amenities is a shockingly short sighted decision. A few centuries into formation and you’ve barely made a tentative truce with 1 aggressive group, have an old standoff carried over by your first contact buddy, and most recently introduced (forcibly) to a formidable menace. Make sure the nursery is fully staffed.
I doubt all of them are there for no reason. Keiko was a botanist, I’m sure other civilians onboard work with the crew as well. Maybe marrying someone in the fleet is a cheat code to get on a ship without having to join lol
Yeah. I get it when the Galaxy class was designed, and at the start of the Enterprise-D’s mission, after all, the Federation had been enjoying an unprecedented era of peace. Aside from the occasional border skirmish, like the Federation-Cardassian Union war (which ships like the Enterprise wouldn’t have been deployed to anyway), there was very little to fear.
After things start kicking off with the Romulans, Ferengi, Borg, and Federation-Klingon relations becoming complicated, it’s surprising they continued to allow it. Picard himself said he had begun to seriously consider whether that was a sound decision. Which to me screamed of classic British understatement for “what the fuck are Starfleet doing continuing to allow this?!”
That said, later ship designs seem to move away from housing civilians, so it seems they got the message. It’s just surprising that after a year or two into the D’s service, with all of these threats, they didn’t order civilians to move off the ship.
Janeway as a girl:
Edit: there’s definitely some crossover meme potential here
Absolutely on it for tomorrow. Thanks.
Baby’s first Borgeque.
The Borg have boarded the ship!
The Borg have assimilated Deck 12!
I rarely laugh these days but this had me going pretty good. That kid’s face is perfect for this.
Thanks. Considered using this kid:
Felt a little too alarming.
Hay kid, your only parent just died in a crutial ground mission to collect cool looking plants for accent piece in the next diplomatic meeting, tough break, anyway…
That’s Hasbullah Magomedov. He’s about 20 in that pic (meme from 2022, wikipedia claims he was born in 2002). He’s a Russian Internet personality who has a form of dwarfism. But yeah, his expression is priceless.
He’s not a kid, Russian fellow who does funny things on the internet
They don’t get sick days or snow days from school. I bet they’re just a little bit happy on the inside when some eminent threat cancels school
(Krippendorf’s Tribe. 1998)
A young child is coloring a complicated picture of whales for the parent who is just some unimportant rando in Cetacean Ops. They’ve spent a week carefully perfecting this picture, having replicated numerous high quality crayons just to get the lines and colors perfect. They’re so close to being finished for their mom’s birthday tomorrow and as they’re putting the finishing touches on near one of the edges…
BOOM the ship shakes because because they hit some space debris or pissed off another space god or got to close to sole space pirates. The gift is ruined…may as well just replicate another whale statue
Reminiscent of the opening for the DS9 pilot. Set the tone.
I was thinking the same thing
So that’s where the phrase came from! Thanks.
Punch Borgy…green?
No, it’s all good. See, before she goes into battle the D evacuates all the civilians to the Saucer… Where… Uh…
The battle deck, whatever happened there?
A surprisingly minimal amount of battle.
This is where all new crew go to do a short drill called “Look how stupid our ship looks while separated” and then they never do it again.
AKA “Oops this sequence is too expensive for our budget” drill.
mostly that’s where Ryker took all the tinfoil skirts for his hanky panky.
It would be perfect for role play…
Gotta practice those docking maneuvers
That kid looks like those kids from Akira.
Should I be worried if I can hear this meme? Asking for a friend…
All of those kids have to personally sign a stack of waivers and non-disclosure agreements.
Well put your seatbelt on at least!
EC Henry answered this one, and i love it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=904MmOKafiE