Last year, I urged furries to stop using Telegram because it doesn’t actually provide them with any of the privacy guarantees they think it gives them. Instead of improving Telegram’s c…
That wasn’t flame, I have a dubious honor of supporting wireguard based vpn service. What part of my claims is false? There is no general purpose vpn suite based on wireguard (I’m talking openvpn style, not just pseudo lan that can’t even tell if the other end is alive), wg included with kernel is extremely limited and pretty much worthless for anything but p2p connections, and as much as I hate ike I would prefer to use it instead. As for me not replying to the author, I have seen his posts before, he is not a pleasant person to speak to.
Edit: After re-reading my first post it might look as a personal attack, that wasn’t my intention at all, just this post came after I’ve finished trying to debug another wireguard problem in our app. 🫠
That wasn’t flame, I have a dubious honor of supporting wireguard based vpn service. What part of my claims is false? There is no general purpose vpn suite based on wireguard (I’m talking openvpn style, not just pseudo lan that can’t even tell if the other end is alive), wg included with kernel is extremely limited and pretty much worthless for anything but p2p connections, and as much as I hate ike I would prefer to use it instead. As for me not replying to the author, I have seen his posts before, he is not a pleasant person to speak to.
Edit: After re-reading my first post it might look as a personal attack, that wasn’t my intention at all, just this post came after I’ve finished trying to debug another wireguard problem in our app. 🫠
The list of management tools available for it isn’t exactly short. Others mentioned specific tools too.
Before you vent by attacking it and attacking everybody recommending it, how about explaining your problems and what you’ve already tried?