This might be the fault of your ublock filters rather than Firefox. Do you have a cookie banner filter list? Some websites are blocking scrolling until you make a cookie decision. A short disable of ublock, rejecting the cookies should then work. The “downside” of a powerful ad blocker
Agreed, I’ve never come across a site that was broken because of Firefox. Usually the culprit is adblock being too good at blocking, so just toggle it off and refresh and page loads just fine.
This might be the fault of your ublock filters rather than Firefox. Do you have a cookie banner filter list? Some websites are blocking scrolling until you make a cookie decision. A short disable of ublock, rejecting the cookies should then work. The “downside” of a powerful ad blocker
Agreed, I’ve never come across a site that was broken because of Firefox. Usually the culprit is adblock being too good at blocking, so just toggle it off and refresh and page loads just fine.