Happy with the direction the pills are going, especially since there’s no official liberal leader. But would like to see PP humiliated sooner rather than later.
My guess is that the Liberals will rise a little more in the polls once Carney is selected as leader, and he’ll use that moment to call an election. If he waits too long he risks PP potentially making a comeback.
An election is coming soon either way, once Parliament resumes there’ll be a vote of no confidence. The NDP committed to it and it’s suicide not to follow through.
I think the cpc is probably holding off on attack ads until after the leader is selected, I expect the libs to start losing momentum once that starts, but hopefully it’s still enough to cross into winning territory. I really hope Carney doesn’t have any skeletons (or shoe polish) in his closet.
Happy with the direction the pills are going, especially since there’s no official liberal leader. But would like to see PP humiliated sooner rather than later.
My guess is that the Liberals will rise a little more in the polls once Carney is selected as leader, and he’ll use that moment to call an election. If he waits too long he risks PP potentially making a comeback.
An election is coming soon either way, once Parliament resumes there’ll be a vote of no confidence. The NDP committed to it and it’s suicide not to follow through.
I think the cpc is probably holding off on attack ads until after the leader is selected, I expect the libs to start losing momentum once that starts, but hopefully it’s still enough to cross into winning territory. I really hope Carney doesn’t have any skeletons (or shoe polish) in his closet.
I’m already seeing anti-Carney ads from the conservatives.
they put their heads together and came up with “he’s just like Justin” lol.
it’s amazing they still have the support they do