The largest measles outbreak in decades has reached San Antonio and San Marcos. Officials say an individual who tested positive for the virus in West Texas traveled to two major universities and one of the nation's busiest tourist attractions — the San Antonio River Walk.
So from the context of places visited, this is an unvaccinated (prospective) college student from the area that’s currently experiencing an outbreak? I bet they were looking forward to finally leaving small town Texas and then this happens to them.
The poor kids that have no choice are the ones suffering here, not the asshole parents.
Let’s keep that in mind.
I had it and as a child. I had a few days I wanted to die for some mental relief.
Its pure torture.
So from the context of places visited, this is an unvaccinated (prospective) college student from the area that’s currently experiencing an outbreak? I bet they were looking forward to finally leaving small town Texas and then this happens to them.