What is %.2f? Why is it not just %f? Is there some additional calculation happening? The half function already does all the calculations including splitting the bill, so I'm not sure what %.2f is. (Btw why is this code not formatting correctly in lemmy?)
float half(float bill, float tax, int tip);
int main(void)
float bill_amount = get_float("Bill before tax and tip: ");
float tax_percent = get_float("Sale Tax Percent: ");
int tip_percent = get_int("Tip percent: ");
printf("You will owe $%.2f each!\n", half(bill_amount, tax_percent, tip_percent));
// TODO: Complete the function
float half(float bill, float tax, int tip)
bill += (bill * (tax / 100.0));
bill += (bill * (tip / 100.0));
bill /= 2;
return bill;
If you want multi-line code, you need to put it like this:
For these kinds of questions, your best friend is the documentation. In particular, a
man 'printf(3)'
man 3 printf
do the same thing without the quotes?Yup that definitely does the same thing.
If anyone else is wondering why the
is there, it’s because usually you won’t find just oneprintf
. You have theprintf
user command, theprintf
function from the standard C library, and POSIX manual entries for both theprintf
user command and C function. The id number is then an identifier for the corresponding section of theprintf
entry, and you can list all of them by doing aman -f printf
.Nit: 3 is the manual section in which to look for the named entry (aka page), not a section of the entry.
Wrote it in an awkward way but yeah I meant to say the section where you can find the corresponding entry 😬
Awesome, I think I’m gonna consider aliasing
toman -f
lol. Can you think of any compelling reason not to?Actually, nevermind, I misunderstood you.
just lists the pages, it doesn’t print all of their content.Wait, you can use
on C functions?On libc functions yes. Maybe on some from other libs, if they provide man pages.
That’s nice.
You can if you have those man pages installed.
You might also enjoy
man ascii
,man operator
, or evenman intro
.Unfortunately, there are still some gaps:
Yup! Try also
man malloc
😁Nice :)
Back in my day, MS-DOS let you use
on QBASIC commands.