You can define things that boil down to 0 x infinity that equal anything you like. It’s undefined and is dependent on context. Infinity isn’t this one number, it’s a concept that encompasses a lot of things, and the way you achieve an infinity matter.
Isn’t it anything divided by 0 is undefined? Granted, I only have a more or less intermediate level of math, but I was always taught that multiplication by zero is always zero. But then again, zero is weird and can break my brain just as much as infinity does.
Indeed, any number multiplied by 0 is zero, but infinity is not a number.
So then it starts to depend on what the 0 actually means, and what the infinity actually means, and depending on the context 0 x infinity can be all kinds of things.
Long before you get to 100%, everybody stops buying it. Zero times anything is zero.
They can go above 100% too. Canadian chocolate bar $420.69 when?
yeah, but 0 times infinite is undefined, so who knows what’ll happen ;)
Is it though? Wouldn’t 0 times infinity still be 0?
Nope, look it up, it’s undefined.
You can define things that boil down to 0 x infinity that equal anything you like. It’s undefined and is dependent on context. Infinity isn’t this one number, it’s a concept that encompasses a lot of things, and the way you achieve an infinity matter.
Isn’t it anything divided by 0 is undefined? Granted, I only have a more or less intermediate level of math, but I was always taught that multiplication by zero is always zero. But then again, zero is weird and can break my brain just as much as infinity does.
Indeed, any number multiplied by 0 is zero, but infinity is not a number.
So then it starts to depend on what the 0 actually means, and what the infinity actually means, and depending on the context 0 x infinity can be all kinds of things.
Or a black market forms