I love this. I love being an european.
OTOH, Chinese EV market share is on the rise… Let’s hope more, small and cheap EVs are coming from the European car makers. A.k.a. the Twingo, a small Panda and the ID1 and ID2
Time for Rheinmetall to release a cybertruck competitor
(the above is an AI image, by the way)
Had to check.
So some kind of intelligence was involved in designing at least one of those. 👍
we don’t need a competitor in the category “the car that looks offroad but is worse on offroad than a Fiat 500”
Given their portfolio I fully trust them to come up with a decent offroad design 😄
Tracked or wheeled is the question, though.
Let alone in the category “car that’s extra dangerous to people outside the car just to make it look uglier”.
the fiat panda 4x4 was the fucking bomb .Pitty they don’t build them anymore
The one which pushes the windshield on passengers on crash?
It must be so embarrassing to drive one of those ugly plastic things around. Good riddance.
Why can’t Tesla CEOs plunge? Off a cliff, out a window…
I hear the Titan submersible billionaires are alive but trapped in an underwater cave. Elon should go save him in his trapped-Thai-children submarine.
out a window
Russian influence detected
Completely off topic, but why does “an European” sound wrong? Like I’ve always said “an American” but never “an United States citizen” and it just doesn’t sound right.
European is pronounced with a Y sound at the start of the word. Hence no “an”
In short: it’s not the letter, it’s the first sound that dictates “a” vs “an”.
a uniform
an underling
Because it is wrong. Same thing as with ‘a uniform’.
Insert emperor meme here