This is one sample visit to the conservative subreddit. It’s an appalling example of the impact of disinformation. When you need to be reminded of who the enemy is and what they think, visit here. You will see that there is no gratitude or mutual respect, and there never was. There was never any concept of mutual benefit. And now, with Trump leading the cult, there truly is no depth to which they won’t go, and no decisions from Trump that won’t be retroactively justified.
These people are dangerous, and they don’t give a shit about any alliances, friendship or partnership. And they control the levers of power.
Edit to add a screenshot. Not sure how to add more, but it doesn’t get any better as you go deeper. What’s clear is that this relationship is over, and we need to move on.
I’m confused. The screenshot you shared just has two idiots sharing stupid opinions and 1.1 thousand/389 people (likely from the same subreddit) disagreeing with them.
I’m not saying the conservative subreddit isn’t unhinged, but this feels pretty cherry picked.
Maybe share a photo of the most upvoted comments for a better reference?
If you spent time on other platforms like Threads you’d see a lot more of this being continuously spewed. It’s why I deleted my accounts on several services. While this might be a cherry picked example from that sub, the far right revisionist take is far, far more common on popular social media than you think.
This is actually classic fascist playbook:
- We are the strongest
- But also - o no - we are under attack from all sides, everyone is against us
Seriously why hasnt reddit banned that subreddit yet? Is not like they ARENT ban happy in other areas!
But I guess fucking fascism is A-OK!!
Because it generates interaction and user count. Money before country.
I hope they skip ahead to the last chapter, the kys-in-a-bunker section specifically.
If they’re gonna play follow the leader they should play it right.
The only 1% these guys can be in is 1% posters on the conservative subreddit.
Pedo-Donald will try to annex Canada. For the first time of my life I’m considering getting a gun. We cannot trust conservatives anymore. Poilievre and mostly Ford are just playing the though guy card now to negociate a position, mark my words. Be prepare to fight.
Accept the annexation and in 10 years the entire US government will be run by Canadians. Just look at their entertainment industry, they can’t resist our Canadian charms.
Cesspool, the question is what % are bots.
It has been interesting to see “Canadian Conservatives”, some of them top commenters, get viciously turned on by /r/conservative while lamenting about how this is hurting PP and the Conservatives movement in Canada.
turns out an ideology that ignores real problems and always seeks out groups to villainize isn’t a good way to make long term friends
James O’Brien isn’t my favourite talking head, but I do like his idea of having contempt for the conmen and compassion for the conned. These people have swallowed a lot of big lies and the fault is with the liars.
If they were truely conned sure. But most of these guys just thought the pain would be placed on others, not them. They’re fine woth others suffering, but the tears start to flow when they experience anything negative at all.
To some degree, sure. But these are adults with the capability and responsibility to think for themselves. It’s one thing to punch down on someone repeatedly for a mistake or being fooled, and yes, the majority of the fault lies with the deceiver, but these people aren’t stupid either. Trump and the rest of the Republican ilk made it clear what they’re about, and their actions speak louder than their rhetoric. If folks are foolish enough to believe him over and over again, the problem is just as much them as it is him.
The con they got suckered into is American Exceptionalism, and it’s not Trumppy that suckered them. He’s a victim of the same brainrot.
These guys are reveling in it, and I have no sympathy for those that choose “we’re just better than everyone else” as part of their core identity.
I agree that someone conned deserves compassion. You got tricked into sending someone money? Im sorry, even if it was dumb of you, im angry at the scammer.
But when you get scammed and the person who scammed you says theyre using your money for atrocious hateful acts, say making someones existence illegal, and you double down and say "well actually theyre right let me send more money, " you do not have any sympathy from me.
Nono, let these morons suffer their consequences. I hope they don’t mind learning Russian because they’re going to need it to communicate with their new masters.
You’re 100% entitled (and right) to feel that way. But there are a lot of lies these people have been fed, often from birth, about for example white supremacy etc. that only education can really erase. Education is withheld by the same liars that profit from the hatred they whip up.
Now I’m not advocating for the softly, softly approach with them, I’m all for punching Nazis, and it’s ultimately up to the individual what to believe. But these drones aren’t the right target, it’s the monsters that made them that way and hide behind them, the people in power advocating for e.g. religion and ethnonationalism to increase their power and profits. They are the root cause. And their first victims are these ignorant sheep forming a human shield around them. If I were to explain how much contempt I have for those people this would be a massive text wall that probably breaks Lemmy TOS.I get what you are saying, I do. But just allowing everyone to quietly go back to their lives after doing monstrous things is the reason we are here in the first place. After the first civil war, the south was treated with kid gloves as far as the enemy combatants were concerned and there was very little reconstruction. This was a breeding ground of hate and resentment. None of the issues were resolved in any way. This is essentially the same civil war.
Agreed. If America really wants to free itself of toxic bigotry and such an easily exploitable weakness, it needs to detoxify conservative ideology by targeting MAGA and far right voices that benefit Russia.
Wow, so glad this brave American here could teach me so much about my own country. Let me just call up my drug dealing
prime ministergovernor and demand that he fix Canada immediately lest we face more punishment from Poppa Cheeseball. Thank you r/conservative, I’d be so lost without you proper Americans leading the way.I’m closer on the Mexican side of the country, but I’m gonna really miss having friendly neighbors. Sorry we’ve been so shitty lately to our northern and southern friends.
Its funny seeing this stuff in r/conservative getting down voted as hell.
r/republican is no better. They literally spout the lies trump spews and believe them 100%
It usually gets upvoted to the moon. It’s infuriating.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this was Made in St. Petersburg™️. And American ‘conservatives’ just lapping it up
There is so few actual people left in that sub. It’s just ai comments and absolute staggering amount of Astro turfed propaganda
The talking points might be, that supremacist US attitude is not. It’s been there for decades.
Its not the Russians or Trump there is big part of the US that is hostile to anybody but their, imagined, version of America and places no real value on others even allies.
That’s true, but Russia is also very good at exploiting the enemy’s weaknesses. They don’t invent propaganda whole-cloth, they play on dark sentiments already present and boost them
This is what happens when you have unchecked disinformation.
Let’s prevent that from happening by not spreading American owned media pretending to be Canadian, that infiltrates Canadian culture and politics.
Ahahaha How much more blatant can it be that the site is American?
For real. The issues occurring in the US are various, but the vast spreading of disinformation in the US is crippling. Don’t let unchecked lobbying (aka bribing of politicians) occur in your country, don’t let “news organizations” spread false realities.
That’s not America that’s r/conservative
So what the people in charge of America are telling the fascists to think.
They all look like bot accounts with AI generated content.
ChatGPT can be more empathetic than /r/conservative members so they are worse than AI. The whole subreddit fails Turing test.
Would it surprise anyone if it was a Russian run subreddit. Heard moderation is heavy handed to quickly snuff out dissent with people having their conservative flairs taken away if they dare question dear leader who drinks the sun and eats the sky.
Many of them are, but sadly, many of them are actual people that are just that fucking brainwashed.
I kind of have pity for them. It’s hard these days to see the lies from the truth when the vast majority of the media is owned by corporations who control the narrative, and cherry pick and spin the information to their own benefits. Then you add content pushing algorithms and AI to the mix. They get fed continuous content with similar interests. And also AI generated content that not only generates pretty convincing visuals but now also convincing articles, online posts and even direct conversations.
Anyone that lacks education and critical thinking skills can quickly get suckered into becoming conservative.
Unfortunately, propaganda works. The best antidote is emphasis on things you can see firsthand but most people don’t know shit about whether or not immigrants are actually responsible for crimes (they mostly aren’t). All they get is a small increase in costs of living. So they listen to the talking heads on TV who scapegoat whatever minority or target of the week, and if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people eventually come to believe it.
Fascists love AI generated slop, because it cuts the artist out of the art, so many of these might be real. Please be noted that platforms now often defend AI bots from countering, as they’re now hiding comments with common jailbreak phrases (which are also trivial to filter by the bot operators).
Jailbreak phrases?