I had the same calculation a while ago. The feature where you could resume a podcast on my phone and Google Home speaker was tempting, but I stuck with Pocket Casts, which I just feel is more invested in their product. And the idea of listening to podcasts on Youtube is just not for me. Same reason I’ve never wanted podcasts on Spotify; podcast listening is something I want separate, not mixed with music.
I had the same calculation a while ago. The feature where you could resume a podcast on my phone and Google Home speaker was tempting, but I stuck with Pocket Casts, which I just feel is more invested in their product. And the idea of listening to podcasts on Youtube is just not for me. Same reason I’ve never wanted podcasts on Spotify; podcast listening is something I want separate, not mixed with music.
Can confirm, I listen to podcasts on Spotify and it's really annoying.
Pocket casts has been getting a little too bloaty with features for me lately but it’s still the best out there