Some personal examples:
Dice forge has its way of handling dices that felt incredibly smart the first time I played it
Same for Codex Naturalis, I was impressed by the simple way they printed the cards to allow for modularity, obviously the game is a lot simpler than I thought but it gave me some interesting ideas with how to overlap cards
Or the boards in Fort that have this double layer so that you can nest your pizzas and toys in there, so cozy!
There’s something about the tiles in Azul that is so satisfying to me. I think the noise they make when you mix them in the bag is a big factor.
The nice round disks of a decent Xiangqi set give me a pleasant feeling just looking at them. This, for example, is a set made of Indian sandalwood with mother-of-pearl inlay:
wow it’s beautiful!
I really like big wooden meeples and the sound they make when you place them on the board. The meeples in Lost Ruins of Arnak are nice and chunky. But I also love the cowboy meeples in Great Western Trail 2nd edition. They are not that big, but the little cowboy hats are just 👌🏼.
Btw, what’s the plural of ‘meeple’?
Meeple is already plural, the singular is moople (or meerson, which one is funnier)
The chips for splendor have a great feel to them.
The fire rocks in Fire Tower look really incredible in somehow being able to give off a reflective appearance despite being plastic.
I love the little stackable camels in Camel Up! Not too mention the dice dispensing pyramid!
That is such a cute game. I played it once and found the camel-stacking to be as hilarious as it amusingly strategic.
The guns in Cash & Guns are extremely satisfying.
There’s much more power in that foam than one might expect!
There’s this game where you play as Egyptian gods, the minis used for each god are just epic and super detailed.
By far my favourite board game pieces.
That’s the one!
Feed the Kraken has both gorgeous Kraken minis and ship and a bunch of other game bits and bobs.
I am really like the panda miniature from Takenoko.
I also really like the character cards from Tokaido with the cutout that allows you to place the color of your marker.
A tie between a D20 and the Ace of Diamonds card. The die because randomness and the card because I like to sometimes refer to my fursona as the Ace of Diamonds.
The luxury plastic fishes in Oceans are too good to look, touch (and put in your mouth).