The assumption that old people are inherently right wing and young people are inherently left wing is just wrong. Correlating age with political beliefs is a fucking pseudoscience, and so is the whole concept of generations like boomers and zoomers. Their marketing terms, the baby boom was a uniquely United States thing and to apply that term to 20 odd years of people from across the world is just factually wrong. We got to stop self identifying with these terms because they are ageist and they divide us and they allow for shitty excuses like “it’s just their generation” to excuse shitty behavior.

What’s the point of this? Stop dunking on old people. Old people aren’t inherently reactionary.

  • Shortly before she died my grandma told me, “you know that I’ve worried about your soul with you not going to church. But I think as long as you keep your love of people in your heart, you’ll be safe.” And then went on to tell me about how the church wouldn’t let her get married to a Swede or recognize her marriage because she had a baby out of wedlock and how she got questioned at one point because she was a social security employee who had registered as a communist in her early 20’s. She just got to a point where she knew she was going to die and she started confessing stuff because my partner and I were one of two sets of grandkids and spouses who took care of her, despite her having dozens. At one point she talked about how she’s a Christian but she knew Reagan was a liar and that the Soviet Union wasn’t as evil as they say, which I was taken aback by. I’m not gonna act like she was some revolutionary with no reactionary views. But people are complicated.