I recently upgraded from a Canon 6D to a Canon R5 body, and I just now discovered Fv mode. For those who don’t know, there are some really useful shortcut modes for Aperture Variation, or Shutter Speed Variation (Av and Tv in Canon parlance), where I spent most of my time shooting on the 6D.

Now, with Fv mode, you can easily adjust shutter speed and aperture, as well as exposure and ISO with the flick of two dials. Once I put the camera in Fv mode, you use the top dial (“Mode” dial) to toggle from shutter speed, aperture, exposure, and ISO, then use the “Main” dial (the one on top, just behind the shutter button) to change values for each one, depending on what feature you want to adjust. You can quickly toggle between each of those things with your thumb on the “Mode” dial, then adjust the value you want to change and leave the other setting on “Auto” and let the camera decide the best setting for the shot, or you can spin the “Main” dial with your index finger, and change each of them - all without having to take your eye away from the viewfinder.

Since my 6D didn’t have this, I’m finding it VERY convenient to shoot now. No more taking it into manual mode to change things for a shot, and then have to tediously change it back for the next shot. I can now make pretty much any adjust for a single shot, with my eye in the viewfinder. It’s a real game-changer, and there is literally no more need for Av or Tv modes for me at all!

I was just wondering if other R-series Canon shooters stay in Fv mostly as well. I only just found out about it myself, after seeing a YouTube video on its utility. I had been using Av and Tv as I did on my old 6D, but now, there’s no more need.

Anyway, just wanted to share my “Today I Learned” moment.


  • jgrimMA
    2 years ago

    You’re making me want to wap from 5D to R5… expensive swap. Haha.

    • biffnixOPM
      2 years ago

      Lol. I waited a good long time before upgrading from the 6D. The price is finally coming down on the R5, but probably because there is a a R5 v2 coming sooner rather than later. It’s still an expensive upgrade, though. I’m finally in a place in my life where I can afford it, so I did make that leap. It’s a big upgrade from the 6D. It’s probably not as big an upgrade from 5D Mark IV, though, if that’s what you’ve got. The 5D MkIV is a great camera, and still takes incredible shots. I passed down my 6D to my son, so we’ll see if he ever even uses it…

      • jgrimMA
        2 years ago

        I have the 5D. It’d be hard to justify. Especially, with how little I am able to get out now and how wonderful it is. It’s just, heavy haha.

  • YaketySax
    2 years ago

    I really miss having an SLR, my old one kept complaining that the card door was open and aborting the save (it always seemed like it knew when the best photos were and did it then).

    You’re definitely making me think very hard about finding its replacement…