Where can you view package details like dependencies and package size on PyPI like on npm?
For example, when I look at React’s page on npm, I can see that it has 0 dependencies and an unpacked size of 237kB.
On the other hand, when I visit Flask’s page on PyPI, I can’t seem to find it’s dependencies even after clicking on project details.
Don’t most of these projects have a requirements.txt? That would be my first thought when trying to find deps. Getting the size of a package is above my head.
You haven’t missed anything; there isn’t any such place. There’s a bunch of suggestions on how you could patch such a thing together StackOverflow: Is there a way to list pip dependencies/requirements?. Basically either running
or querying the PyPI API to discover transitive dependencies. Sounds like a fun little programming project! 😀Sounds like pain.
Thanks anyway.
Python deps can be dynamic, so it can be necessary to download the package and execute code just to find out.
Would be nice to see a resource that lists out the statically defined ones, though. Perhaps that’d pressure the dynamic ones to change – it’s a cause for some of the notorious pain of Python packaging.