• Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I pretty much agree, while we should never treat Pedophilia as "Just another perfectly valid sexuality, let's throw a parade, it's nothing to be ashamed of" (Having the urge to prey on children is ABSOLUTELY something to be ashamed of even if you can't control it.), we need to face facts… It isn't someone waking up one day and saying "Wouldn't it be funny if I took little Billy out back and filled him full of cock?"

    It's something going on in their head, something chemical, some misfiring of the neurons, just the way their endocrine system is built.

    As much as I'd love to wave a magic wand over these people I reluctantly call people and cure them of their desires, we don't have the power to do that. No amount of therapy in the world can change someone's sexual tastes.

    So in lieu of an ideal solution, finding ways to prevent pedophiles from seeking victims in the first place is the next best thing.

    It's not dissimilar to how when we set up centers for drug addicted people to get small doses of what they're addicted to so that they can fight withdrawal symptoms, crimes and death rates go down. When you enact things like universal basic income and SNAP, people have less of a reason to rob banks and gas stations so we see less of them.

    It's not enough to punish people who do something wrong, we need to find out why they're doing it and eliminate the underlying cause.