At this point I’m ok with finding a stupid cheese for this. I’m so over this.
I sided with UC, got past the 3 batteries, and am now duking it out over the Key. I’ve taken out the turrets, but the ship keep shredding me.
Had I known this battle would be such a massive jump in difficulty, I would’ve grinded longer to go into the battle with a better ship and better flight skills.
Any tips on how to get past this? I’m not having fun anymore 😔.
I didn't even have any starship building skills when I finished that mission and my ship tore through everything like paper. I had the best possible A class (the lowest level stuff without skills) equipment you can buy at New Atlantis, and 4 particle cannons for massive DPS. Barely took damage and was obliterating the ships in 2 or 3 shots and the cannons themselves took just a few more. I'd suggest just going and doing some minimal upgrades.
Or to cheese: make your ship a square frame so the enemies just shoot the middle and never actually hit you cuz there's nothing in the middle.