Totally agree that vehicles should be smaller in general.
Nobody needs a pickup outside of industry and agriculture. I don't give a shit about your once-a-year camping trip where you drag your second-mortgaged house-on-wheels to cosplay rugged living. Get a fucking a tent.
Nobody needs an SUV and the only reason they're "safer" because everything is so oversized now that it's just a matter of relativity to other vehicles.
Anything larger than a station wagon is simply excessive for 99% of drivers.
Totally agree that vehicles should be smaller in general.
Nobody needs a pickup outside of industry and agriculture. I don't give a shit about your once-a-year camping trip where you drag your second-mortgaged house-on-wheels to cosplay rugged living. Get a fucking a tent.
Nobody needs an SUV and the only reason they're "safer" because everything is so oversized now that it's just a matter of relativity to other vehicles.
Anything larger than a station wagon is simply excessive for 99% of drivers.