Going to lie down because it's hot as balls in my apartment and also because I'm just exhausted from not sleeping great. Thus why this is being posted randomly in the middle of the day. I was going to post this tonight but god knows if I'll even be awake.
I've always had really awful birthdays. Either it was outright ignored or I was punished for even having one. My parents were… unpleasant. Star Trek became my escape. Could see amazing people make amazing choices and be the best they wanted to be instead of lying and saying they were good people. Actions speak louder than words, after all, and the actions of the crew of the Enterprise-D (specifically) were what helped me sort of override a lot of the disgusting hateful stuff I was taught as a child. Also made me feel like a person instead of a burden.
I've not really been able to delve in deep to a lot of Trek communities sometimes because, well, it's the internet. People can get a bit toxic behind a computer screen. This place has been anything but. Pure kindness and love from everyone here. Top to the bottom. Honestly it seems pretty worth it to me to forego birthday gifts throughout my life to be able to find y'all.
You are all awesome. I don't want birthday wishes and stuff, I get enough of those from Starbucks and other companies trying to get me to buy their shit that I cannot afford, but I want y'all to appreciate yourself for a couple minutes. You're a great person, you've helped make an amazing community, and I am eternally grateful.
You are AWESOME. Love y'all.
Live so very motherfucking long and prosper more than you could ever dream.
I got you some cake. It’s cellular peptide with mint frosting. Your favorite.
…since I already have the cutout, why not:
There are not enough words in the English language, nor time in the universe, for me to be able to describe my complete and abject horror at that image.
I love it.
Not enough words but there's apparently a gif.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
That gif? 194 frames=194,000 words
It's like on Jengus IV, they're all mixing! THE KLINGON CLOWNS ARE COMING!
I had managed to successfully forget about that fucking horror show… why do you do this to me?!
Like warm apple pie
Reminds me of that Melvins music video…
Or Tom Petty's "Don't Come Around Here No More"
To another year of "quality" Star Trek memes! It's always great seeing you around bud, you help make Risa the best community one could ask for!
I meant mine were bad lol, yours are always actual quality
Compare this:
to this:
Here's the big difference though
You made yours.
I just saved mine ages ago when trolling the internet.
Yours are FAR more impressive.
Also the USS Burritos is fucking hysterical and I stand by that.
Yeah but you're a curator of the arts, I'm just a dude who chuckles far too much at his own bad jokes then posts them online
I will say though, the Burritos was pretty good
Wait if I'm a curator of the arts does that mean my username should actually be Geordie?
Burritos is my favorite Trek meme i've seen in years. I'm not being light when I say hysterical. I cried laughing the first time I saw it.
Yes you have to delete your account and make a new one as Geordi@startrek.website, sorry I don't make the rules
Okay, I have actually legitimately considered deleting my account and restarting as Shaw instead of Stamets. Both characters I identify with pretty damn heavily.
For some reason I want a breakfast burrito now.
Red's makes a really good breakfast burrito imo.
Share please. I haven't eaten yet today.
Just don't eat the ship, it's already falling apart as is…
This community is, by far, my favorite part of the internet. It make me smile every single day.
Despite being told not to: Happy Birthday!
I should have expected the references to that Worf episode but I genuinely did not see it coming. They've all taken me off guard completely. Just be glad my bat'leth got put in the shop to be bejeweled…
Seriously though, thank you <3
We need before and after pictures of your bat'leth!
October b'days are the best. Mine's in a couple days
I now really want a bejeweled bat'leth… or ideally a cur'leth… Dammit now I'm sad
Closest thing I could find:
It's perfect! Make the stabbing even more painful.
and Glorious!
Oh finally a normal cake not made of Councilor Troi or Stamets or some other crew member
There is no fucking way you cut out the face of Stamets that fast. How long have you had that?!
Also hella accurate. And I love it. Best gift ever.
Lol, I only made the mistake of cutting out images manually once, and it took forever. Then someone here in Risa pointed me toward remove.bg, which works so much better.
Thank you so much. I am going to really enjoy this new fun tool. Soooooo many penis stamps. My friends already hate me but with this they will actively plan my death.
This is actually exactly what I need right now so I'm just gonna yoink
I downloaded and uninstalled like 10 apps looking for something that would allow me to cut out images easily, then wound up just cutting something by hand with the erase tool in a meme generator, which sucked.
After someone showed me this, it's been smooth sailing.
It works so well and so fast… this is amazing
Happy birthday! We're glad you're here, Stamets.
And I'm so glad to be here
Happy Birthday! I didn't get you anything, but the internet archive did:
Then the internet archive is my new favorite person! First gift in years. Then again it's a person so my appreciation shall pass onto you instead.
Thanks buddy <3
Now that's just wrong. Fungoidaphobia and the resulting discrimination against hybrid lifeforms is a real problem, even in today's enlightened Federation, and you should have never suffered empty birthdays as a result.
Family over fungus, I always say. But family is where you find it, and seeing as I just happened to be passing through Orion space on my way here, here's a keg of Klingon blood wine and a barrel of Andorian ale for the party, that is if you don't mind a bit of pirate contraband to liven things up a bit…
I am formally confiscating these in the name of the Galactic Republic! oh crap wrong community
Happy birthday! 🎂 And don’t worry to much, I think having blah parents is part of realizing what’s truly important in this turd burger we live on lol. Enjoying the small things, because existence is fleeting.
You have made my day even brighter with one of my favorite gifs! 😃
Mon Capitaine 😙👌
Stamets applauding Stamets…
Made with https://www.remove.bg/ (Thanks Picard Manuver!)
Thank you for going boldly into the unknown that is your life 🖖
Thanks for being a passenger on the ship! Be boring just heading out by myself.
also I found this when looking and it's too good not to share:
Love poor lil Porthos there in the back.
He's just chillin, enjoying the vibes
Haha! I love the Zoolander gif!
Oh I just found it I don't know what it's from lol
Wishing you a good year ahead! You're appreciated here.
And I agree with you, this is the nicest Star Trek community I've found too.
It took me a while to realise but I'm no longer bracing myself for racism or sexism every time I click on a trek post here!
RIGHT?! The extremely few times it's cropped up the mods are on the ball extremely quickly. This place is utterly amazing.
I wasn't active in any of the Star Trek communities on Reddit, was that a problem?
It's reddit. Unfortunately that problem was pretty pervasive across the entire website. The Trek subreddits, at least comments, were completely unbearable for me. If it wasn't people screeching "NUTREK BAD NOT GOOD TREK BAD TREK NOT REAL TREK" then it was someone being a condescending asshole. If it wasn't that then it was just racism/sexism. The insane thing would be that they clearly deluded themselves into thinking they weren't being bigoted because they're Star Trek fans. I saw some pretty horrific shit said about Tilly and Burnham that got massively upvoted and praised. Was the most thinly veiled sexism around topped off with a dollop of racism.
I engaged with the Discovery subreddit but only in specific threads because the mods had specifically marked them as places where people couldn't do their typical "OH MY GOD THIS SHOW JUST FUCKING SUCKS" whinefest. That engagement didn't last long however. Got tired of being the only one defending the show. Seemed like I was just surrounded by people who were only watching it because they had no personality of their own so they supplemented it with hatred.
As you might have been able to tell from my monthish here, I don't like giving out that energy. I try to be as positive and polite as possible. Obviously I fuck up and fail sometimes but people there just never even tried. Started dragging me down. I had to leave that place, and reddit as a whole, because I noticed I was starting to get incredibly bitter not just to the people in the Trek subs but the people in every sub and people not even on reddit.
I definitely knew about the NUTREK BAD WAAAA response but I didn't about the others, which seems strange given Star Trek itself but who knows. I'm just glad this place doesn't seem to have that.
I've seen it pop up here like two or three times. In every case I blocked the person. I've got zero interest in seeing that type of negativity. I get having criticisms, and you can be fine sharing your personal opinion, but there becomes a point where it's just whining and bashing. Or when it clearly comes from a hateful place. Just not interested.
Darmok and Jalad on the ocean.
Hi Stamets, since you didn't want birthday wishes let me thank you for your posts and your open-hearted comments instead. They really brighten my day, here and on 196 (didn't even realize that many of the good ones there were posted by you, too. Sokath, his eyes uncovered).
All the best to you!
I'm glad that I'm able to cheer you up a bit! There's a few reasons I post but that's a big one. Life sucks. Why not make it a lil more fun, eh?
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the great memes, even if you just found them. Funniest dude on this site.
Hey I wouldn't go that far. I will take a funny dude, maybe even very funny, but there are tons of people here and no first place trophies. My boomer relatives would hate this but everyone gets a trophy in this bitch!
I'm really glad you had a happy birthday. You're one of the most prolific and hilarious members of this community, so thanks for everything you do to make this place great.
Also, we share an astrological sign! So that's fun.