• braxy29@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          i'm giving you free will now i'm punishing you for making the choice i didn't like

          but seriously, i do appreciate your well-written comment - it's just that it all gets very tiresome. i have been listening to/reading the apologetics and arguments, getting invited, prayed and ranted at. i have been nodding my head politely, smiling awkwardly, and dodging questions for a great many years, when really i just want to do my own thing and be left in peace with it (without words like "sinner" and "evil" getting tossed around).

          anyway, that's just my experience.

          • dlrht@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            I mean, even in a society you have free will and get punished for not confirming to it? Do you think societies as a whole with laws and rules are tiresome and you don't want words like "criminal" tossed around? Are you going to just leave society and not live in community with others?

            You can do your own thing for sure. But everyone, even people who believe and are Christian, are sinners. Literally everyone is a sinner. You can still be at peace with your own thing anyway, even in a religious context. Christians find peace while admitting to being sinners. I'm not saying you need to, you're totally free to do your own thing. I'm just explaining things really

            • braxy29@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              i think i was too subtle in my statement.

              let me put it this way - it seemed to me that you were interested in explaining your perspective, as if simply offering information to contribute to a greater understanding. when someone expressed their disinterest in your explanation or indicated they did not find it sufficient, it seemed to me as if you were quickly negative. i was left with the impression that you are fundamentally less interested in dialogue and understanding, and more interested in convincing.

              this is very typical of conversation with christians in a my 40+ year experience as a non-christian living in the bible belt. i tire of the efforts to explain christianity, when i have, in fact, heard it so extensively for so long. i tire of the conversations that are not REALLY intended to explain, but to solicit agreement and convert.

              in other words - i wish more christians recognized that it may not be that non-christians don't understand your faith, they may simply not agree and not want to hear about it again. and approaching them as if you are interested in dialogue when you really want to convince them feels disingenuous.

              these were my thoughts when i read your conversation with the other user above.

              • dlrht@lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                I don't know what part of "death-cultsplainin'" and me replying with "copium" makes you think there was a "conversation" going on

                Let me explain my thoughts. I have taken time to write up something for someone else and someone- an unrelated party, barges in and pretty rudely replies with no intention to say anything, just to write a snide one word comment as if it's supposed to be anything other than a disrespectful comment.

                Does it seem like when I said "thanks for contributing nothing to our discussion" I was trying to convert someone? I don't know where you got that idea. I was expressing that one word replies aren't good conversation at all. It's just annoying. My thoughts here are that it's pretty rude to come into a conversation just to go "haha cultist". I think people who look down on religion need to stop finding every opportunity to disrespect and be condescending to others who are invested in the topic.

                Someone asked questions and I was just answering them. And for some reason you think I am in the wrong here when someone is clearly replying to me without an interest in actually talking to me. You know that person could have easily said nothing. If someone "may not want to hear it again" there are numerous solutions to this: close the thread, collapse the comment, reply with "sorry I really don't like this". Snarkily replying with "cultist" is not one of them. It's just rude and disrespectful. Maybe you guys should stop conflating disrespect with actual expression of disinterest, because it's not.

                In no circumstance do I find one word snarky replies a sufficient or respectful way to reply to someone engaging in an actual discussion. Like ever. Religious discussion context or not, it's just a terrible reply. Idk why you think me replying with "yes whatever you want" is somehow me trying to convince him into a religion, like what. You are projecting and inserting things into this situation that are not there

                • braxy29@lemmy.world
                  1 year ago

                  look, i don't think you're a bad person or something, and honestly i regret saying anything.

                  i'm just letting you know that, you may sometimes get snarky one-word replies because people tire of hearing about it. i would bet money the greatest majority of non-christians in the us, who are open about their non-christianity, have heard all this before.

                  again - it's not that most of us don't understand your faith, it's that many of us are not interested in having it explained again and are unlikely to agree with your beliefs. there are people you simply will not convince of your correctness, no matter how many explanations you provide.

                  • dlrht@lemm.ee
                    1 year ago

                    Yes, I know all of this and get it. I get that you're tired of it. But all I see is someone being unnecessarily snarky in someone else's conversation and you defending and justifying it with "we're tired of it". I didn't make a big deal of it at all, if someone's going to disrespect me like that I'm not giving it the time of day, but you're here justifying it so now I have to reply why it's not an ok response and have to justify my own reply because you projected that I am trying to convert this random drive by commenter when I was clearly not

                    Why don't we just accept that you two are being unnecessarily disrespectful? I do not enter other people's conversations and reply with "I don't want to hear this". That's all there is to it