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The original was posted on /r/upliftingnews by /u/DyeZaster on 2023-10-05 17:58:02.
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The original was posted on /r/upliftingnews by /u/DyeZaster on 2023-10-05 17:58:02.
Fuck yeah it did. I was making the same on unemployment as I would have being at work. I wanted to stay laid off.
What you wanted to do and what you did are 2 different things. You're overworked and probably not doing a job that you want to do. That isn't laziness, that's job unsatisfaction.
Yeah, but that probably applies to a lot of people. Why would anyone choose to do all the bullshit (but necessary) jobs if they can get paid the same for sitting at home?
Is that what rich people do? Do billionaires sit home and do nothing? I think all of you saying it causes laziness aren't living your best lives.
Billionaires are sociopaths.