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The original was posted on /r/upliftingnews by /u/DyeZaster on 2023-10-05 17:58:02.
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The original was posted on /r/upliftingnews by /u/DyeZaster on 2023-10-05 17:58:02.
I guess you’re against COVID treatments too because coming in contact with other human beings is also a choice. Lung Cancer cure? No thanks, they chose to smoke those cigarettes so I would like them to suffer.
My mom died of Lung Cancer, didn't smoke a single cigarette her whole life. So fuck you.
I don't want them to suffer, but I'm not paying for their treatment.
I'm not trying to be spicy, but you must see how these two statements are contradictory.
No… No they don't lol.
If you have insurance, private or public, you’re paying for them either way. That’s how insurance works.
Nobody wants to pay taxes bud, but if you don't, the country will fall apart around you because of precisely that.