What do you refuse to get generic versions of?

  • catfish@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I agree from the opposite direction:

    20 years ago I switched to zero drop minimalist footwear for running, hiking, and almost all everyday activities (everything except weddings and funerals). I only wear footwear that has no relation at all to my foot's arch, my weight, or my gait.

    Best decision for my knees, ankles, and hips I think I ever made.

    • That's actually pretty interesting. I started with minimalist footwear once I was old enough to start making shoe decisions myself and apparently that was partially causing some of the problems I was experiencing.

      Five Fingers were my go to's (once they came out) for most days and Vivobarefoot's / Nike Free's for when the social side of five fingers was in questionable taste.

      It's always fascinating to me how wildly different solutions are the exact remedy needed for different individuals. It's why I always get a little irritated when you read someone saying "Use this thing AND THIS THING ONLY! everything else is junk and dumb and you will be a worse person for using it." such a close minded approach to the world.

      I've been out of the minimal shoe worlds for a bit minute, anything cool to come about recently?

    • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Same same, although VFFs only came out in the 2005, so it hasn't been quite 20 years. The only shoes I wear that have support are my motorcycle boots and cycling shoes.

      I'd go barefoot everywhere if I could.