Watch this…

Radio Free Asia: "did you know in North Korea they eat babies?"

Me: "I don't believe that."

Radio Free Asia: "WHAT?!?!? How did you do that???"

See. And I'm just a dumbass who does nothing but smoke weed and watch pirated b-horror movies. Whats everyone else's fucking excuse?

People fall for this shit because they want to, not because the state department has magical brainwashing powers. Propaganda doesn't mean people don't have fucking agency.

  • arabiclearner [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    But if you had grown up in a lib family perhaps you would have been super pro Ukraine and Israel? Perhaps something else could have happened in your life course that made you follow your family's CHUD views. You never know how you could have turned out. I mean how did any of us get here? There are a wide variety of factors. There are many that grew up in CHUD families but never got past the whole John Stewart/John Oliver level of liberalism and are now pro Ukraine and all that shit. So yeah, you never know…