As long as they are operated by for-profit entities who are more than willing to ignore safety procedures and best practices, and lobby for lower safeties, nuclear energy cannot be safe, regardless of the underlying technology.
Yep, this argument again. And like everyone who's ever seen this argument has already said, renewables are not currently at a point where they can fully take the load off of fossil fuels. Every nuclear power plant accident put together doesn't even come close to the damage that safe fossil fuels have done to the planet. We need to ditch fossils ASAFP, and nuclear, even if it's funded and ran by capitalists, is better than fossils, which are already funded and ran by capitalists.
As long as they are operated by for-profit entities who are more than willing to ignore safety procedures and best practices, and lobby for lower safeties, nuclear energy cannot be safe, regardless of the underlying technology.
Yep, this argument again. And like everyone who's ever seen this argument has already said, renewables are not currently at a point where they can fully take the load off of fossil fuels. Every nuclear power plant accident put together doesn't even come close to the damage that safe fossil fuels have done to the planet. We need to ditch fossils ASAFP, and nuclear, even if it's funded and ran by capitalists, is better than fossils, which are already funded and ran by capitalists.
If that's your position, I don't weep if your family gets killed in a nuclear accident.
I will weep for your family when they're killed by an ever-destabilizing climate.