Hello World,
Today, after careful consideration and evaluation of recent events, we have decided to defederate from Lemmygrad.
Regrettably, we have observed a significant increase in hate speech and calls to violence originating from the Lemmygrad instance. Due to the severity of the posts and comments, we are not waiting for the next Lemmy update that will allow users to block instances.
At Lemmy.world, we have always strived to foster an inclusive and welcoming user environment. However, recent posts and comments from Lemmygrad have clearly violated our server rules and, more importantly, our core values. We firmly believe that hate speech and incitement of violence have no place in our community, regardless of personal beliefs or affiliations.
As always, we encourage all users to report any content they deem inappropriate or harmful. No matter one’s stance in any conflict, Lemmy.world will always take immediate action to remove and ban any posts or comments that incite violence or propagate hatred.
We encourage everyone to continue engaging in discussions within the boundaries of respect and understanding. As we move forward with this decision, we remain committed to providing all community members with a safe and welcoming space. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation in upholding our shared principles.
Thank you,
The Lemmy.World Team
OK, let me unpack a few things here.
And here's where it gets messy.
The China Watchers™ crowd always says they "hate the government, not the citizens". (The fact that this echoes extremist Christian bigotry with "hate the sin, not the sinner" whenever they go on rampages against every social group they disapprove of is a feature, not a bug. They know their audience well.)
Ask anybody with a (perceived) Chinese name how often they have been called upon by China Watchers™ to personally account for the Chinese government's actions. You will likely get a shock by how often these people who "hate the government, not the citizens" take perceived citizens to task for their government's actions (while at the same time, in a stunning display of utter hypocrisy, refuse to take responsibility for their own governments' actions despite (technically) having a say in who that government is (which Chinese citizens don't have).
Chinese citizens. People of other nationalities resident in China. People with (perceived) Chinese names or looks. These all get hounded by the "hate the government, not the citizens" crowd with a zeal that puts the "not the citizens" part of things in the firm category of "blatant lie".
And that is just flat-out racism.
So while yes, technically, people criticizing the Chinese government aren't being racist (and holy fucking SHIT are there good reasons to criticize them!), the reality is that most of the people doing so are hiding behind that technicality and are being racist as all fuck, so often, in fact, that it's my default assumption unless I see evidence to the contrary.
You don't like that default? Well, here's a bit of sage advice I got from an activist friend of mine in the late '80s: "Rein in your crazies or you'll be mistaken for them."