Not that it is not interesting but I would like just a tad more variety on the front page.
Edit btw for those who are wondering the two communities I started are and (not sure if I have the links correct for people)
Eh, let people get it out of their system. It’s gonna be that way for the next month or so anyway since there will be a new influx of users in July when the 3PAs stop working.
This is why I posted, I really think we need to concentrate on unique content now so when the next influx comes we not all naval gazing
Reddits success was due to the genuineness of conversations. You’d have celebs hop on and not their pr person and engage in meaningful conversation, you’d have amas from unexpected professions and give unknown details about it.
You’d have full rage comics that fit a certain mold and lolcat memes.
hey its me ur celebrity.
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