I'd argue the opposite. It's all about power. The ex-manager was feeling powerless. By snitching on the employee, they gained a small measure of power over their world. Getting beaten up/bullied as a child will make you feel VERY powerless. Unless that trauma is resolved, that will continue into adulthood. They will then likely lash out in exactly this way.
More likely, they weren't given the love needed to realise the compounding power of positive action and self confidence. The current manager was using exactly that. He was helping a friend out, at cost to himself. He had the confidence he could deal with the minor loss though, and that it would pay off down the line (even if only in a warm fuzzy feeling, of helping someone out).
People that weren’t beat up enough as kids for snitching
I'd argue the opposite. It's all about power. The ex-manager was feeling powerless. By snitching on the employee, they gained a small measure of power over their world. Getting beaten up/bullied as a child will make you feel VERY powerless. Unless that trauma is resolved, that will continue into adulthood. They will then likely lash out in exactly this way.
More likely, they weren't given the love needed to realise the compounding power of positive action and self confidence. The current manager was using exactly that. He was helping a friend out, at cost to himself. He had the confidence he could deal with the minor loss though, and that it would pay off down the line (even if only in a warm fuzzy feeling, of helping someone out).
Basically, less beatings, more hugs.
The hugs will continue until morale improves.
And yet despite all this, there's a point where people should just know better.
I think it's fair to acknowledge people's struggles and still expect better of them.