• SupraMario@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Lol so basically all firearms? And you plan on going and taking the 450+ million of them in civ hands?

    • PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      They can either comply with the new laws or become illegal gun owners that get found and charged like any other illegal gun owner.

      Of course, the "are you going to take them? " isn’t meant to be a logistical problem, it’s meant to be a threat.

      If you want to fire on innocent people because you didn’t like democracy, go right ahead – it’s not like legal gun owners aren’t doing that every day already.

      At least it will be the cause of the problem dying in a hail of bullets, rather than innocent people.

      • SupraMario@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Again who are you sending to take them? Because you have just started a civil war…and bad news, those police you hate…are mostly on the gun owning side. You really haven’t thought this through.

        • PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          I’m just happy that you’re admitting that “responsible gun owners” would become domestic terrorists if democratically decided laws didn’t suit them and police selectively enforce laws and procedures.

          I guess they’re not “good guys with guns” after all but violent, political extremists who are one inconvenience away from killing innocent people and wow, doesn’t that lens bring the last 25 years of pro-gun policy into a sudden, sharp focus.

          Anyway, you’ll have the same options as everyone always does when laws like this change.

          1. You can surrender any illegal weapons, admitting that you never actually needed them and all of your flowery, self-aggrandising rhetoric was nothing by role-playing.

          2. You can undergo the background checks, take the safety courses, register your weapons, wait through a usefully long waiting period, store your guns securely and accept that you’ll lose your firearm rights if you hit your wife or have your gun recovered in a crime – things that you could have done at any point, but chose to let people keep getting killed by legal gun owners instead.

          3. You can hide your illegal guns away, unable to take them to ranges, show them off on the internet or point them at your wife because if you’re ever caught with them, congratulations, you’re now a felon and are no longer entitled to your gun rights anyway.

          4. You can become the next Maine shooter in a bizarre attempt to convince the country that you should have been allowed guns with minimal oversight, optional safety and widely published loopholes.

          Notice how there isn’t a single way out where you’re not a piece of shit?

          That’s because gun owners who fight to preserve a clearly flawed system are pieces of shit, just like the people who fought to keep slavery, or keep segregation, or prevent women voting, or keep homosexuality illegal or any of the other morally bankrupt things the right-wing has rushed to defend.

          • SupraMario@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Lol way to show how ignorant you are. Again you want a civil war? Because congratulations you just started one. No 2/3rds of the states will ratify the Constitution to remove the 2nd as well, and more people are pro gun than people who aren’t… considering the majority of you antigun groups are white picket fence types that live in ivory towers…just like you have clearly demonstrated here.

            You can call gun owners pieces of shit all you want, but that doesn’t magically make you the good guy. Majority of repubs are gun owners, and a good 1/3rd of Dems are now as well (and we’re growing at a rapid pace). So while you only pop your head up to kick and scream when a shooting like this occurs, the rest of us are trying to push for policies that actually will curb the suicides and violence overall.

            • PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              Again you want a civil war?

              I’m completely okay with you repeatedly admitting that gun owners would use violence to overthrow democracy if that democracy decided that human lives were more important than their hero fantasies.

              There’s no need to dress it up with self-aggrandising threats of civil war, you can just say what you mean: If anyone ever comes to your door to peacefully enforce a law you’ve broken, you’ll kill them.

              So while you only pop your head up to kick and scream when a shooting like this occurs, the rest of us are trying to push for policies that actually will curb the suicides and violence overall.

              A lie that doesn’t hold up with even a glance at the history books.

              • SupraMario@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                Yes keep telling me how your ok with calling it democracy to using force to take firearms from people. A very small minority want all the guns banned, congrats you’re the psycho in this scenario where you tell the gov. To go kill civilians who you disagree with. How Nazi of you.

                A lie that doesn’t hold up with even a glance at the history books.

                What doesn’t? The fact that there are policies that would drastically reduce the number of firearm deaths in this country that don’t involve going door to door collecting guns and killing your fellow Americans?

                Like single payer?


                Ending the war on drugs?


                Police reform, since they kill on average 1k Americans a year


                Ending qualified immunity?


                Paying teachers properly and building more schools so class room sizes are smaller?


                Ending for profit prisons which directly target minorities?


                Stopping our insistent need to send soldiers to kill for oil?


                Making sure all kids and families that need safety nets get them, no matter what they’re dealing with?

                What history are you talking about again? Or are these things not good enough because they don’t involve murdering millions of people because they own firearms? For someone who really wants to stop the deaths, sure sounds like you have a hard on for killing people.

                • PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee
                  1 year ago

                  Yes keep telling me how your ok with calling it democracy to using force to take firearms from people.

                  “Democracy is when you give people guns”

                  A very small minority want all the guns banned

                  Yes, because people who advocate for gun controls don’t actually want to ban all guns, they want to reduce the number of violent people with guns.

                  But that will hurt gun lobby profits, so the pro-gun crowd calls everything a gun ban and continues selling guns to murderers.

                  To go kill civilians who you disagree with. How Nazi of you.

                  Your gaslighting doesn’t really work on the internet when all the comments are right there.

                  I already explicitly stated all the peaceful ways the new laws could be resolved and unsurprisingly, you threatened to kill anyone enforcing them in a civil war because you’d rather see half a million people killed than prove you know how to safely handle a firearm.

                  Or do you think you should be able open fire on anyone you disagree with and face no repercussions? That tracks with the people in pro-gun forums who struggle to hide how much they’d love to fire their AR-15s into a crowd of progressive protesters.

                  Like single payer? Etc etc etc

                  Oh shit, that’s a massive list of issues it looks like you’re going to have to fix before your gun laws are safe to reimplement. Best of luck with the Republicans who will oppose every single one.