Hello there .
I am using as my OS devuan gnu+linux .
The point is I like philosophy of Unix using like tmux + nvim + mutt .
and I love the vi keybings so much …
Sometimes I am thinking to switch to gnu emacs … but I feel that I will find some difficulties
and I am afraid .
Is there a easy way to use emacs ?
can someone help or give me some YT videos to watch to have a good idea about emacs ?
I hesitate to be the curmudgeon here, but if you can’t–or won’t–bother to visit youtube.com and type “emacs” into the search box, then you probably won’t enjoy using Emacs. Emacs is most appreciated by people who take a bit of initiative.
Is this why people type “emacs” and click search? I still find it odd, like, I wish search results on “emacs” would show something other than “how to get started”. But maybe it’s a good thing.