Hey, I’m looking for a package to manage bookmarks for inside Emacs.
I’ve tried the built-in functionality but the configuration contains a lot of junk which makes it hard to manage and share between machines.
I have my bookmark file as a bookmark itself:
C-x r b
-> mybookmarks
then it can look as simple as this:(("init.el" (filename . "~/.emacs.d/init.el")) ("early-init.el" (filename . "~/.emacs.d/early-init.el")) ("bookmarks" (filename . "~/.emacs.d/bookmarks")))
it is shared between different machines without problem.
You may try bm.el https://github.com/joodland/bm
the configuration contains a lot of junk
What do you mean? What is the specific problem?
The bookmark file contains information when it was last modified.
It did look similar like the Gnus newsrc which also mixes configuration and runtime information.
Ok. Mine doesn’t, but I’ll believe yours does. Why is that making it hard to for you to share it between machines?
The configuration of bookmarks is just a file. You can edit it or even delete it.
I presume you are speaking of browser bookmarks. I simply use an org file where each bookmark is hyperlinked. I will add this file to Emacs bookmarks as suggested already in this thread and then I’m thinking I could use embark-act to open in my browser from the minibuffer.
I’m talking about the Emacs internal bookmarks not browser bookmarks.