When you get to the edge of a map, you just get stuck running. There isn’t any indication that you’re at the end. I suppose people will get used to boundaries in the end. But for now, I get killed a lot trying to take cover in a boundary.

Also, has anyone noticed that you stop randomly while you’re running, like there is a wall there? I think if you jump, you get to keep going. I’m sure it’s a bug in the game, not just me, right?

  • @kenvald
    11 year ago

    Agreed. Especially the first couple maps I played I tried to flank the other team sometimes just to get stuck. Thought it was lag or something but nope, just an invisible wall with no indication.

    The random stopping hasn’t really happened to me though. Maybe some weird collision borders.

    • jgrim of SublinksOPA
      11 year ago

      It’s happened more than once where I just suddenly get jumped on the server. I see other people have the same issue in the chat. It’s still in Early Access I think… so cannot be too upset.

    • jgrim of SublinksOPA
      11 year ago

      How long have you played for? I had it happen within the first hour.