The Subreddit WellThatSucks has changed their rules so it's now only accepting vaccume cleaners

    1 year ago

    Text from post:

    Greetings, fellow vacuum enthusiasts and members of r/WellThatSucks! Today, we have an incredible tale to share with you, one that will shed light on the origins of our subreddit and the reason behind our new rule changes. So gather 'round and prepare to embark on a whimsical journey through the story of Mr. Wells.

    The Legend of Mr. Wells, the Vacuum Whisperer

    Picture this: in a small, picturesque town named Suckville, nestled deep in the heart of a state called Cleanylvania, there lived a man named Mr. Wells. Now, Mr. Wells was no ordinary citizen. He had a knack for selling vacuum cleaners like no one else in the land.

    With his charisma, knowledge, and passion for suction power, Mr. Wells was a force to be reckoned with in the vacuum cleaner industry. He could convince even the most skeptical customers that they absolutely needed the latest model of vacuum cleaner to keep their homes pristine. But little did he know that his life was about to take a fateful turn.

    The Birth of “Well, That Sucks!”

    One fateful day, as Mr. Wells was demonstrating a cutting-edge vacuum cleaner to a potential customer, disaster struck. The vacuum malfunctioned, spewing dust and debris all over the room. Mr. Wells, with a wry smile on his face, muttered the now-legendary phrase, “Well, that sucks!” Little did he realize that this seemingly mundane moment would change his life forever.

    Inspired by this comedic mishap, Mr. Wells set out on a quest to create a community where people could share their own vacuum cleaner woes and mishaps. Thus, the subreddit r/WellThatSucks was born. It became a safe haven for people to commiserate, laugh, and find solace in the shared struggles of dealing with vacuum cleaners.

    Rule Changes - Embracing Our Roots

    With the rich history of Mr. Wells and the origins of r/WellThatSucks in mind, we’ve decided to make some exciting rule changes that will take our subreddit back to its vacuum-centric roots.

    Rule 1: All Posts Must Be About Vacuum Cleaners

    Effective immediately, we are refocusing our subreddit exclusively on the topic of vacuum cleaners. From stories of triumph over dirt and dust to unfortunate vacuuming accidents, we want to see and hear it all. Let’s transform r/WellThatSucks into the ultimate hub for vacuum cleaner enthusiasts and those who appreciate the trials and tribulations of keeping their spaces clean.

    Rule 2: All Comments Must Be “Wellthatsucks”

    To pay homage to the iconic phrase that sparked our subreddit’s creation, we’re introducing a fun twist to our comment section. Starting now, every comment you make on r/WellThatSucks must consist solely of the phrase “Wellthatsucks.” Let this phrase be the language that unites us, showcasing our solidarity in the face of vacuum cleaner challenges.

    We believe that these rule changes will not only honor the legacy of Mr. Wells but also create a unique and engaging community experience that embraces the humor and frustration inherent in vacuum cleaner mishaps.

    Join Us in the Vacuum Cleaner Revolution!

    We hope you’ll join us on this whimsical journey through the vacuum cleaner-filled world of r/WellThatSucks. Share your stories, photos, videos, and questions about all things vacuum cleaner-related. And remember, whether you’re sharing your experiences, offering advice, or simply reacting to a post, the phrase “Wellthatsucks” will be our language of choice.